Crime Statistics
Our mission is to provide a safe and secure campus. The University is in compliance with all federal regulations as they relate to crime statistics reporting.
As required under the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offenders Registration Act, information concerning sexual offenders or predators can be accessed at the Arizona Department of Public Safety sex offender information website.
The address for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is 3700 Willow Creek Road, Prescott, AZ, 86301.
More information on this topic can be found on our Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Compliance page.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, also known as the Clery Report
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, a federal consumer protection law passed in 1990, requires all colleges and universities that receive federal funding to share information about crime on campus and their efforts to improve campus safety, as well as to inform the public of crime in or around campus. This information is made publicly accessible through an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. You can go to the Jeanne Clery Act website for more information.
The Campus Safety & Security Department reviews all incidents and confirms that proper classification has taken place before they are added to the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. The annual crime statistics are kept for seven years. Persons can see the report and review the statistics for the past three years by reading our Annual Security and Fire Safety Report or by visiting the Campus Safety & Security Department in Building 14.
Fire Safety Reports
Fire safety is one of the Campus Safety & Security Department’s top priorities. All residence halls are equipped with fire safety systems. Fire alarm systems are monitored on a 24-hour basis. A fire log for Residence Hall facilities is maintained in the Campus Safety & Security Department in Building 14.
At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, fire safety is one of the top priorities.
All alarm systems report to the Department of Campus Safety & Security Department or are monitored by a U.L list Central Station on a 24-hour basis. Any fire, smoke or suspicious odor conditions should be immediately reported to Safety & Security by calling 928-777-3776 for emergencies and 928-777-3333 for non-emergencies or through the Eagle Guardian app.
Never hesitate to report these conditions, even if you are not sure if there is a fire or hazardous condition. If a fire condition exists but was extinguished, the Campus Safety & Security Department should still be called. If 911 is called directly, follow up with a call to the Campus Safety & Security Department so they may escort and facilitate the fire department’s response.
A fire log for Residence Hall facilities is maintained at the Campus Safety & Security Department located in Building 14.
Residence halls are all equipped with fire safety systems. Please refer to the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for information on each residence hall facility.
Fire drills are scheduled in residence halls once per semester. All residents and guests are required to evacuate the building when an alarm is activated by using stairs and moving away from the building a distance equal to the approximate height of the building.
Drills will be evaluated for their effectiveness by Campus Safety & Security and Residence Hall staff.
Each resident receives a copy of the Department of Housing & Residence Life Information and Policy Guide. The guide contains information concerning evacuation procedures, fire safety and prohibited items, and fire equipment.
When parking, do not block roads, driveways, fire lanes, building entrances, service roads and parking entrance areas, as these may be needed by emergency responders.
Smoking and any type of open flame are not permitted within residence halls. This includes candles, incense or any type of flame cooking devices. Cooking appliances, such as hot plates, toaster ovens, space heaters and halogen lamps are prohibited.
Fire protection systems are tested annually. Improvements, upgrades or repairs to fire safety systems are made when tests or evaluations indicate a problem. Notify the Campus Safety & Security Department whenever you notice damage or a possible problem with fire protection equipment, including fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, FACPs, alarms, pull stations or sprinklers.
Staff perform monthly general building fire safety inspections all year. In addition, Residence Life staff performs resident room inspections twice per semester and once during the summer.
Any fire safety violations will be cited and referred for immediate correction. Fire safety violators may be judicially referred.
- Be aware of the exit locations in your building.
- If a fire alarm is activated, immediately leave the building and attempt to get others to do the same if it does not put you in danger.
- Use the stairs when evacuating the building instead of elevators.
- Move a safe distance away from the building, and do not congregate in roadways or service drives.
- If a person is disabled or in need of assistance, tell responding emergency services personnel. Use stairwells as a place of refuge until emergency personnel arrive to safely move the person from the building.
- Close all doors and windows. This will help prevent embers from entering the buildings and contain any possible fire, smoke or poisonous gases.
- Use fire extinguishers only on small fires (no bigger than a wastebasket) or only if it appears safe to do so. Do not put your own safety in danger.
- Activate a fire alarm system if you suspect fire, smoke or unusual heat.
- Provide emergency responders with any information you may have about the fire alarm or persons injured or needing assistance.
- Wait for emergency personnel to provide an “all-clear” message before re-entering an evacuated building.
- You may be relocated to an area of refuge as deemed necessary by emergency personnel.
Missing Student Policy and Procedure
Missing Student Policy
The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires this University to make a policy statement on the campus missing student policy. The policy as stated originates from the Dean of Students Office but is also listed within the Department of Housing and Resident Life policies and the Campus Safety & Security Department policies as compliance to the Annual Campus Security Report. A copy of this policy may be obtained from the Missing Student Policy website and is listed as follows:
Reporting Requirements
- On-Campus Students: All faculty, staff and students have a responsibility to report any student living on campus that may be missing from the campus community for more than 24 hours. You are required to make your report to the Campus Safety & Security Department.
- Off-Campus Students: All faculty, staff and students have a responsibility to report any students living off campus that may show signs of being missing from the campus community. Failure to attend classes and campus functions, and missed appointments may be signs of a possible problem. We encourage reporting under these circumstances. There is no 24-hour reporting requirement under the Higher Education Opportunity Act for off-campus students, although you are encouraged to report your concerns to the Campus Safety & Security Department.
Emergency Information
- It is the university’s responsibility to collect and maintain confidential student contact information just in case an on-campus student is reported missing.
- This information will be collected by the Department of Housing and Resident Life during the regular check-in process at the beginning of Fall and Spring semesters. This confidential information will be filed in a secured location within the Department of Housing and Resident Life or reviewed by authorized individuals if required.
Notification Process
- Through the Dean of Students Office, the Campus Safety & Security Department is responsible for reporting missing students to local law enforcement within 24 hours of completing a preliminary investigation.
- Through the Dean of Students Office, the Campus Safety & Security Department is also responsible for notifying the student's registered contacts and the custodial parents or guardian if the student is under the age of 18 years.
- If the student is an off-campus student, it is the responsibility of the student’s custodial parents or guardian. They are responsible for contacting local law enforcement.
Investigative Process
- A university incident report will be completed by the Campus Safety & Security Department.
- The Campus Safety & Security Department will adhere to the following investigative procedure:
- Contact suitemates and friends.
- Contact instructors and advisors.
- Contact the Campus Wellness Center.
- Contact the Campus Student Employment.
- Contact the Campus Post Office.
- Contact the Department of Housing and Resident Life for a room search.
- Check class schedules and attendance.
- Check parking lots for student's registered vehicle.
- Campus-wide notification if required.
- Once the internal investigative process is complete and if the student cannot be located, all information will be turned over to the local law enforcement agency with jurisdictional responsibility.
- The Campus Safety & Security Department will monitor local law enforcement and update the Dean of Students Office when necessary. The Dean of Students Office will be responsible for notifying all other campus authorities, including the Chief Operating Officer, the Records Office and the Chief Academic Official.
Traffic, Parking, Lost and Found
Eagle Card Services
On-Campus Emergency Numbers
- Emergency: 928-777-3333
- Wellness Center: 928-777-6653
- Counseling Center: 928-777-3312
- Dean of Students: 928-777-3879