Student in Mailroom

The Mailroom on the Prescott Campus offers a convenient, on-campus location where students, faculty and staff can ship packages and purchase stamps, pre-stamped envelopes and metered postage.

All Embry‑Riddle students living on campus and international students are provided a mailbox to receive personal and University mail. 

Packages are processed when received throughout the day. Once a student receives an email from the mailroom, they can come in for pickup. Incoming mail is distributed to mailboxes by 4 p.m. The Mailroom will sign for all packages that require a signature. 

To avoid delays or returned mail/packages, all incoming correspondence should be addressed in this format:

Student Name
3700 Willow Creek Road
ERAU Box Number
Prescott, AZ 86301

The Mailroom provides mail forwarding for those with ERAU mailboxes within the U.S. Students who move off-campus or graduate can apply for a permanent forward for up to 60 days. During the summer, students can apply for a temporary forward for up to 90 days. 

Available shipping services include USPS and FedEx. Pre-paid shipping labels for UPS pickup are also available. Students, faculty and staff can pay for postal services with their EagleCard and debit or credit cards.

Postal Services Hours of Operation

Lobby Hours

  • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday: Noon-3 p.m. (package pick-up only)
  • Monday-Thursday (Summer): 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Friday-Saturday (Summer): Noon-3 p.m. (package pick-up only)

Mailing Deadlines

Approximate deadline times for outgoing package and mail services are as follows:

  • FedEx: 1 p.m.
  • UPS: 1 p.m.
  • U.S. Postal Service: 3 p.m.

USPS letter drop off is available at the blue box in front of the Mailroom.

Materials Management


Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Closed: Thanksgiving and the day after, and from Christmas Eve through Jan. 2

Mailboxes for Prescott Campus students
Mailboxes for Prescott Campus students