The Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott Arizona, the only planetarium in Northern Arizona

Upcoming ShowsVenus - Upcoming Shows

Take a look at the upcoming programming and reserve your tickets today!

Earth - Our StoryOur Story

The Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium came to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2017 with the construction of the STEM Education Center. Learn more about The Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium's origin, and get a look at what lies ahead! 

Mars - Schedule a TourSchool and Educational Group Visits

Are you an educational group interested in learning more about STEM education? Here, you can schedule a visit to the Prescott campus STEM Education Center to learn more about Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University's Prescott campus as a whole. If your group cannot travel to the Prescott campus, you can apply for a visit from the planetarium's mobile dome operation to bring the stars to your school or institution. We look forward to hearing from you!

Saturn - Make a GiftMake a Gift

As the only Arizona planetarium north of Phoenix, the Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium is an invaluable resource to our faculty and students and brings quality program to the greater Prescott and Quad-City public. Your support of the planetarium will help us bring new and different programming to audiences on a regular basis.

Uranus - Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions

Questions about the cosmos? You'll find those answers during our public planetarium shows. But if you have any questions about Embry-Riddle or the Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium, check out some of our answers. 

Neptune - The TeamThe Team

The Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium opened its doors with the goal of serving a wide and diverse audience of science and space enthusiasts. To accomplish this, two operations were formed that specialize in serving different segments of the community: the STEM Outreach team, and the planetarium team. Learn more about the individuals who bring the Universe to the University.

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Embry-Riddle Prescott Campus hosts exciting athletics, academic, and entertaining events year-round

Year Round Community Events

Throughout the year, Embry-Riddle is host to a number of incredible special events open not just to university students, faculty and staff--but to the entire surrounding Prescott and Quad-City community as well. Please check back often to see what new and exciting events are coming to campus. 


An Astronomy instructor points out particular stars and orbital bodies of interest to a student looking up at the night sky outside of campus' observatory

B.S. in Astronomy

The Bachelor of Science in Astronomy gives students the tools and the knowledge to reach for the stars. Working in the Campus Observatory Complex, an exceptional environment that takes advantage of Prescott’s high altitude and clear skies, students master astrophysics, quantum mechanics and more.

Contact Us

Planetarium Reception Desk
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.