To apply for undergraduate admission all students must submit the following:
- Completed application for admission. Please apply online.
- $50 non-refundable application fee. If you are applying online, you will be given the option to submit your application fee electronically. If you are submitting a paper application, include a check or money order made payable to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Please print your name and social security number on the check and submit it with your application. If payment of the $50 application fee poses a financial hardship, you can ask your guidance counselor to issue a request for a fee waiver. The waiver should be forwarded with your application for admission.
Please review additional requirements for:
Flight Students
Students who plan to take flight courses should visit the Flight Department’s Preflight checklist page to prepare for these courses before arrival.
Where to send documentation?
- All documents such as personal statements, essays, resumes, or Letters of Recommendation may be emailed to Prescott@erau.edu or mailed to:
Director of Admissions
3700 Willow Creek Road
Prescott, AZ 86301
Essay topics may include:
- Tell us about something you have accomplished over the past year or two that is a source of pride to you. Your topic may include your academic efforts or any activity you feel is important to you. What did you accomplish? Why did you choose to do this activity/effort? How has this accomplishment/activity affected you with regard to your future goals?
- What do you want to accomplish during your years at college?
- Do you have any ideas yet about what you want to accomplish after college? Don't feel you need to have formal plans, but we would enjoy learning about your possible career goals.