The Office of the Registrar provides academic support for students from matriculation through graduation and beyond. Our team ensures accuracy and confidentiality of academic records while providing appropriate access to students, faculty, and other internal and external constituents. We strive for continuous improvement by embracing emerging technologies and best practices in enrollment, records maintenance, reporting, and policy interpretation and implementation. Our focus on exemplary student service contributes to the success of our students in their academic pursuits and in their future careers as global citizens and leaders in the aviation and aerospace industry.


To remain in compliance with FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the university requires that students or their legal designees authorize the release of non-directory student educational records, including transcripts.

Current Students

You may request your official transcript through Parchment. Unofficial transcripts are available to current students only and may be obtained directly through ERNIE at no cost.

Former Students and Alumni

You may request your official transcript through Parchment. Unofficial transcripts are not available to prior students and alumni who no longer have a current username and password for ERNIE.

Maintaining Addresses

All students are required to maintain a Home address and a Local or Residence Hall address while enrolled at the University. Please follow the guidelines below to list your addresses accurately:

  • Home (Permanent) Address:
    • This is the address of your permanent residence.
    • Typically, this address is where you live when you are not in attendance at the University.
    • Official University mail will be sent to this address unless a separate mailing address is provided. (This is especially important for military-affiliated students).
    • For Worldwide Students, this address is where you currently reside (or your home of record if you are a military-affiliated student).
  • Local Address:
    • This is the address of your residence while attending the University.
    • Unless you reside in a university residence hall, you must enter a Local Address, even if the address is the same as your Home Address.
    • This address must be a physical address and may not be a PO Box.
    • This address will be reported to SEVIS/MOE if you are an international student taking in-person classes.
    • For Worldwide Students, this address is where you currently reside (or a duty station address for military-affiliated students).
  • Residence Hall (Residential Campus students only):
    • This address is populated from the Office of Housing and Residence Life if you live in university housing.
    • Please report residence hall address errors to your campus Office of Housing and Residence Life ( or

To update your address(es) in Campus Solutions:

  1. On the “Student Homepage," select the “Profile” tile.
  2. Select “Addresses” from the left column to be taken to the page where you can update your address preferences.

Remember: You must update address information within 10 days after any move occurs.


Note: Current students can find a complete list of forms inside the student portal, by logging into ERNIE and going to the Office of the Registrar section.

Contact Us

Office of the Registrar
Building 12