Your academic success is important to us
We know our students strive for academic excellence, and, as such, the Undergraduate Program offers academic success programs and services. Embry-Riddle - Prescott provides support for students at three different points in their academic careers.
Our academic support programs provide the guidance and assistance to get you to your career objectives. Our services provide a variety of resources to help students succeed academically.
- Tutoring - Tutors are available across academic disciplines. The Prescott campus provides free peer tutoring in most of our subjects.
- Advising - Academic advisors help students make informed choices as they develop their plans of study and pursue individual goals.
- Accessibility Services - Providing reasonable accommodations to those students qualifying for services who request assistance, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
- Upward Bound - Assists local high school students and helps them better prepare themselves for college.