Campus safety entrance sign

The safety and security of students, employees and visitors is the Campus Safety & Security Department’s top priority. Due to the size of ERAU, we have the opportunity to build relationships and get to know people by name. Using community outreach, we strive to build trust with our community and work together with students, employees and visitors to keep ERAU safe and secure. If everyone takes personal responsibility for their own safety and security by maintaining situational awareness and keeping the Campus Safety & Security Department informed of any incidents, the community and the Campus Safety & Security Department will be better suited the fulfill its top priority.

Most of the residence halls have restricted badge access, and the department has made patrolling the residence halls on foot and in vehicles one of its highest priorities. Additionally, officers are required to check them regularly.

However, housing facilities will be safest if everyone works together.

Residents should ensure that they close and lock the exterior doors at all times. Never prop doors open or let strangers into buildings. Always escort off-campus guests and report suspicious persons immediately to the Campus Safety & Security Department.

Residence halls are locations of constant activity. If you notice a door is not closing or locking properly, or that a light fixture is out, notify the Campus Safety & Security Department.

Personal property should not be left out in the open or unattended, and should be secured when they are not in use. The Campus Safety & Security Department has engravers available to aid in theft prevention and recovery.

With the exception of law enforcement officers, the University prohibits firearms and weapons on campus.

Check the Information and Policy Guide from Housing and Residence Life or the Student Handbook for more information on the permitting process.

Emergency phones provide you with a means of notifying the Campus Safety & Security Department in case of emergency. By pushing the button on the unit, you will be connected directly to the Campus Safety & Security Dispatcher. Emergency service will be dispatched immediately to your location.

Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation, and students may be particularly vulnerable to this crime. Learn how to protect yourself and your future from identity theft by visiting the Identity Theft page.

Be careful also to protect all passwords for school, personal and professional accounts, services and applications. Never share your password with anyone.

No campus can guarantee a crime-free environment. Most crimes that occur on campus involve the theft of property while left unattended. These are known as "crimes of opportunity," where an offender saw the chance to commit a crime and took it. These are common crimes committed on campuses across the nation.

If seeking more information on theft or other campus crimes, please stop into the Campus Safety & Security Office for a complete list of crimes for the past three years.

Adding the phone number of the Campus Safety & Security Department to your Contacts List will ensure that Officers are just few clicks away. This phone number is 928-777-3333.

You can also download the Rave Guardian app and have immediate access to Campus Safety & Security resources.

Notify Safety & Security, Dean of Students or Residence Hall staff if you encounter behaviors that cause concern.

To prepare yourself for various emergency scenarios, please visit the University Safety Office page and view the Shots Fired on Campus and Run, Hide, Fight videos.

In the event of a campus-wide emergency, we will communicate with you using the emergency notification systems listed in the "Emergency Notification Systems" tab on the left.

On-Campus Emergency Numbers

  • Emergency: 928-777-3333
  • Wellness Center: 928-777-6653
  • Counseling Center: 928-777-3312
  • Dean of Students: 928-777-3879

Contact Us

Campus Safety & Security Department
Building 14


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