The Hazy Library and Learning Center is actively involved in promoting your academic success and enriching your learning experience and research. Ask a Librarian about any of our many services we offer for students, staff, and faculty, including:
- Course Reserves - course support materials
- Food & Drink - Scholars' Cafe
- Information Resources - Research and Course Guides (LibGuides), and Databases
- Instruction - Teaching students how to find quality information and use it well with Library Instruction Classes
- Materials - Borrowing, My Library Account, Interlibrary Loan (ILL), and Purchase Requests
- Research Assistance - ASK Desk, Faculty Research Support, and online reference assistance
- Space - Computers, Study areas, and Online Room Reservation
- Technology - Computers and other technology, Computer Commons, and Technology Lending Services
Contact Us
Library Hours
The library has extended hours during finals and opening and closing times vary during the summer and holidays.