
The Embry-Riddle Prescott Safety & Security Department provides extensive training and resources to prepare our officers to ensure people are safe and property is secure.

Our department is staffed with three full-time Communication Dispatchers and several Student Dispatchers. These Dispatchers answer calls for service; monitor intrusion detection, duress and fire alarms; assist Embry-Riddle community members locked out of buildings or rooms; manage lost and found; and provide other emergency services to our community members.

The Embry-Riddle Prescott Dispatch team provides emergency communications between members of the ERAU community, police, fire and medical emergency responders. Over 12,000 calls for service are processed annually.

The Campus Safety & Security Department administers the card access system, campus video management system and fire alarm systems. This integrated system improves campus security and enhances safety response to various alarm-triggered events.

Campus Safety & Security uses technology to protect students, employees and visitors. Students, employees and visitors with smartphones are able to download Eagle Guardian by searching for Rave Guardian for download in the Google Play Store or iTunes.

Non-Armed Safety Officers

All officers are required to attend monthly trainings on various subjects, such as Diversity Training, FERPA, Title IX, Defensive Tactics, the use of OC Spray and active shooter response.

Our non-armed safety officers work in many different areas of campus. The safety officers are authorized by the institution to enforce ERAU rules and regulations across campus. Non-armed safety officers participate in field training and an evaluation program to orient them in providing campus public safety services. To help maintain safety around campus, officers inspect blue light phones once each month.

Safety Officers that patrol the campus are primarily responsible for providing first aid services, conducting residence hall checks, event walkthroughs, and enforcement of parking and traffic regulations. Safety Officers work closely with our armed security officers to ensure the best safe response to any situation on campus.

Armed Security Officers

Our armed security officers are required to complete the Arizona Department of Public Safety Armed Guard Shooting Course. The training includes a 16-hour classroom course, of which at least four hours are spent on the law and legal portion, and a standardized test. They are also required to display proficiency by shooting and passing the required qualification. The armed officers will go through a department standard of proficiency given by the department’s firearms instructors, which includes a judgmental shoot. This training goes above and beyond the state standard requirements. 

Officers also are required to attend varying mandatory in-service training throughout the year to enable them to perform more efficiently and safer with community partners.

Bike Patrol

Safety & Security Bicycle Patrol

Prescott Campus Safety & Security has operated a bike patrol since the Summer of 2018. Bike patrol members complete the same five-day Law Enforcement Bicycle Association (LEBA class A) course as the Prescott Police bicycle unit. Our Cannondale Trail 5.1 bicycles are specially prepared for us by High Gear Bike Shop in Prescott. Bikes are a great way for us to interact with our campus community and a very quick means to respond to the inner campus.

Command Staff

The efforts of the Prescott Campus Safety & Security Department are guided by Associate Director Alex Lucero and Assistant Director Phil Bracamonte.

Interagency Cooperation

Our department works closely with the Prescott Police Department and Fire Department. We are committed to working and training with local agencies, staying current on crimes and crime trends, and inviting external partners to our campus to stay current and familiar with the campus layout and operations.

Contact Us

Campus Safety & Security Department
Building 14


Traffic, Parking, Lost and Found

Eagle Card Services

On-Campus Emergency Numbers

  • Emergency: 928-777-3333
  • Wellness Center: 928-777-6653
  • Counseling Center: 928-777-3312
  • Dean of Students: 928-777-3879