Academic Advising

Academic Advising is provided in each college. The Academic Advisors’ goal is to help students successfully complete their degree program. They provide assistance with registration for classes, academic planning, referrals to campus resources, and understanding of policies and procedures. Academic Advisors assist students who experience challenges and can make suggestions on study skills and time management. Academic Advisors encourage students to use them as a first point of contact should issues, concerns or difficulties arise. Advisor assignments can be found under the Academic Advising tile in the Campus Solutions Student Center.

Academic Calendar

View the Prescott Campus Academic Calendar

Academic Integrity/Misconduct

Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding academic integrity. Each student is expected to carry out their own course of study within the parameters set by instructors, administrators and university values. These values include avoiding cheating and plagiarism; maintaining the quest for excellence in study, written assignments and other academic tasks; and reinforcing honesty and rigor in all academic behavior. All students, faculty and staff have obligations to reinforce these expectations and take corrective action when necessary. To report issues of academic integrity, contact (in appropriate order) the course professor, the academic department chair and/or the dean of the college. For more information about academic integrity, please refer to the academic catalog and your course syllabi.

Administrative Leave Policy

The University has the highest regard for student health and safety, both physically and mentally. The University makes every reasonable effort to provide students with appropriate services and accommodations to meet their needs. In some cases, it may be necessary to encourage or require a student to take a leave of absence from the University when it has been determined that their physical or mental health is significantly interfering with their ability to succeed, is negatively impacting the campus community or is interfering with the educational pursuits of others.

The Dean of Students staff, in consultation with members of CARES/BIT, will review individual student cases to determine if a student (a) poses a threat to the health or safety of others, (b) has a medical or psychological condition that cannot be reasonably and/or adequately accommodated in the Embry-Riddle campus setting, or (c) due to a medical or psychological condition, displays behaviors that seriously interfere with the student’s ability to function and/or seriously interferes with the educational pursuits of other members of the Embry-Riddle community. When it has been determined that any of these conditions exist, the designated Dean may encourage or require a student to take a leave of absence from the University for a specified period of time. All students will be held responsible for their behaviors, regardless of circumstances.


Intercollegiate Athletics 

Eagle Athletic Complex - Building 80, 928-777-3777

The university sponsors 14 Intercollegiate sport programs at the Prescott Campus:  Women’s and men’s golf, men’s wrestling, women’s and men’s soccer, women’s volleyball, softball, women’s and men’s cross country, baseball, women’s and men’s basketball, and women’s and men’s outdoor track. Any student who meets both university and NAIA eligibility requirements is able to compete for a position on a varsity team. Athletic grants-in-aid, in varying amounts, are generally awarded to recruited varsity student-athletes, with walk-on players earning the right to compete for scholarship assistance when available. For more information on the Eagles, including game schedules, rosters, results and statistics, visit our webpage.

Intramurals & Recreation 

Eagle Athletic Complex - Building 80, 928-777-3980

Intramural and recreational sports are available on campus and create an atmosphere of competition and fun by offering a wide variety of activities. Team sports such as flag football, volleyball, basketball, softball, dodgeball, and soccer are offered as league play. Other sports, such as sand volleyball, table tennis, racquetball, tennis, and ultimate frisbee and disk golf are offered as tournament play. Other sports are also available on request. The athletic director assists sports clubs, chartered clubs, and organizations with the use of sports facilities and equipment. All students are encouraged to use all of our on-campus sports-related facilities, which include an outdoor swimming pool, tennis and racquetball courts, gymnasium, and fitness center.

In addition to on-campus recreational activities, the Prescott area offers a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities. Through a partnership with the Student Government Association (SGA), we now offer outdoor recreation equipment for checkout to current students, staff and faculty. We have inflatable kayaks, paddleboards, fishing equipment, hiking equipment and bikes that are free for students to check out, to explore all of the outdoor opportunities Prescott has to offer!

Auxiliary Access: FERPA

For current information, documents and processes, visit the University's FERPA policy.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of and limit access to student educational records. FERPA grants to students certain rights, privileges, and protections relative to the identifiable information contained within their educational records maintained by the University. Specifically:

  • Students have some control over the disclosure of information. A student's educational records (with the exception of directory information) will be released to third parties outside the University only with the consent of the student.
  • Students have the right to inspect, review, and request amendment of their educational records.
  • Students have the right to challenge information contained within their educational records.
  • Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe their rights under FERPA are violated.

Educational records covered by FERPA include grades, housing information, financial status, results of disciplinary proceedings, etc.

FERPA does not apply to medical, disability and counseling records, which are confidential and protected.

FERPA permits the release of directory-type information to third parties outside the institution without written consent. Students may file a Request for Non-disclosure of Student Directory Information, meaning no information, including directory information, will be released, except as required by law. This means that the University cannot verify enrollment and degrees earned requests from potential employers or insurance companies. Requests from the student for Enrollment Verifications or Transcripts may be honored regardless of the hold with verified student authorization. Requests for non-disclosure remain in effect even after graduation and may be rescinded with a verified signature. For students who have rescinded their non-disclosure and left the University, it can only be reinstated if the individual re-enrolls.

Directory information includes:

  • Name
  • ERAU email or box address
  • Campus, school or college attended
  • Course of study and areas of specialization
  • Dates admitted, attended and graduated
  • Enrollment and class status (freshman, senior, full-time, part-time, etc.)
  • Degrees sought or earned and dates received or anticipated
  • Awards, honors, and special programs or recognitions
  • For student-athletes and scholarship recipients, the ERAU ID photograph

The following is also included as directory information but is only released for compelling reasons and only with advance approval of the Registrar, Dean of Students, or their designees:

  • Permanent or local mailing addresses and telephone numbers
  • Non-ERAU email addresses or account information
  • Date of birth
  • Factual disciplinary history, including the results of disciplinary processes or the fact that action was pending at the time of withdrawal
  • Information from public sources

Directory information cannot include a student’s identification number or social security number, race, ethnicity, nationality or gender.

Academic records (class schedules, grades, transcripts, etc.) are maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Students who wish to have academic records sent to parents, guardians, other institutions, or private individuals must officially request these services in writing through the Registrar each semester.

In addition to academic records, the Dean of Students Office maintains student conduct records and reports for a period of seven years from final case resolution, and records of suspended or dismissed students are kept indefinitely. A student must make a written request to the appropriate office and allow a maximum of 45 days for the information to be presented. For the Civil Rights Equity & Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy record retention, see Title IX Compliance.

Each year, the University catalog contains annual disclosure information about FERPA. Students may request additional information regarding FERPA, or a copy of the University policy (APPM 1.22) describing the regulations implementing this act, by contacting their campus Registrar/Records and Registration Office.

Visit the U.S. Department of Education website.

For questions or further information concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), contact the Office of the Registrar at 928-777-3808 or the Dean of Students Office at 928-777-3638.

Board of Campus Activities (BCA)

J. R. Hunt Student Union - Building 16, Rm. 117, 928)-777-6622,

The Board of Campus Activities (BCA) sponsors events and entertainment for our ERAU campus community. Typical programs include performers, movies, OctoberWest/Homecoming, and Casino Night. We encourage students to attend our events or become a part of the board. If you are interested in getting involved with the BCA, stop by their office in the Student Union.

Campus Safety & Security

The mission of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Campus Safety & Security Department is to make every effort to promote and maintain a safe campus environment for all members of the campus community and to provide quality service so that each person is afforded the opportunity to achieve their academic and professional goals as they work and learn in our educational community. Accordingly, Campus Safety & Security is actively engaged in collaborating with students, parents, employees, and the community to provide a safe environment and to treat every individual with respect, fairness and compassion.

While no campus can guarantee the complete safety of its community, we can work together to provide the safest possible environment. We encourage all University community members to take responsibility for their own safety and security. By accepting this responsibility, members of the University community assist in maintaining a safer and more secure campus environment.

The Campus Safety and Security Office patrols the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round, and provides safety and security services to the entire campus community. Many officers and dispatchers have prior law enforcement or military experience and some have decades of safety and security experience.

Our campus safety and security services include:

  • On-Campus Emergency Number: x73333

Call 928-777-3333 to report an on-campus emergency 24/7. If you choose to call 911 first, call 928-777- 3333 immediately thereafter so Campus Safety can best assist emergency responders to quickly locate the emergency. If you dial 911 from a university phone, you will need to dial “9” first for an outside line, then 911.

Anonymous Tip Line

To report something anonymously, use the new Eagle Guardian mobile app (see “Eagle Guardian” section below).

Annual Security Report (Clery Report)

In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, our annual Safety Report can be found at and also on the Campus Safety and Security websiteThe daily crime log is available at the Campus Safety and Security office in Building 14.

Body Worn Cameras

Certain Campus Safety officers will be equipped with Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) during their patrols. Extensive research has proven that these cameras improve accountability and encourage responsible behavior. It's important to note that the use of BWCs is legal and will be subject to policies that protect privacy and avoid recording in areas where privacy is expected and objected to.

Confiscated Items

Campus Safety and Security has the authority to confiscate any policy violations found on campus until the items can be removed from campus or discarded. Students will have five days to retrieve confiscated items once they receive notice and are able to do so. After five days, confiscated items will be destroyed.

Code Blue Emergency Phones

Emergency telephones, available through free-standing and wall-mounted devices, are installed throughout the campus. Their distinctive blue identification lights for the phones, which stand out at night, also make them highly visible during the day. The phone panel has a small silver button labeled for non-emergency assistance calls. The large red button initiates an emergency call to Campus Safety and Security Dispatch and activates a blue strobe light that draws attention to that location for emergency responders.

Eagle Guardian

The Eagle Guardian mobile app adds personal safety capabilities to any smartphone or smart device, both on and off campus. Students, faculty and staff can register to set up an account after downloading the app in the Apple or Google Play stores by searching for “Rave Guardian.” Note: Guests, visitors and contractors may also use Rave Guardian if they download the app. Users will be connected to Campus Safety and Security via the app by using the following features:

  • A user profile may be set up to indicate any safety-related information
  • Inbox: To receive alerts/advisories sent out by Campus Safety and Security via RAVE Alert
  • Important numbers
  • Content Directory: Includes links to online resources, both within the university community and externally
  • Virtual Escort: Allows the user to designate an official (Campus Safety and Security) guardian or an unofficial (friend or family member) guardian to virtually “escort” them on their trip via a timer and geo-tracking of their location to ensure they reach their destination safely
  • Chat: Allows users to engage in non-emergency chat
  • Anonymous Tip Line: Sends anonymous tips to Campus Safety and Security

Locked Out

Residence hall students: If you are a resident of a university residence hall and are locked out of your room, you should first seek assistance from the Housing and Residence Life (HRL) office by calling 928-777-3790. If Housing staff are not available, Campus Safety personnel will assist. 

Other campus facilities: Campus Safety and Security will provide lock-out access to other on-campus facilities for individuals who are properly authorized.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located in the Campus Safety and Security Office in Building 14. If you find a misplaced item, please bring it to Building 14 promptly. We are open 24/7. If you have misplaced valuable property, visit us in Building 14 to see if we have it or to report your loss. Recovered property is held by Campus Safety for a period of 30 days. Items unclaimed after 30 days are donated to a non-profit organization or destroyed. Exceptions include perishable items and food containers, which may be disposed of immediately.

Parking and Traffic Services & Regulations

ERAU Prescott Traffic and Parking Regulations, including those that apply to Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD), can be found at

Online Parking Permit Registration

Registration for on-campus vehicles is handled online. Visit the website to get more information or to register your vehicle. Follow the instructions and print the temporary parking pass. Your annual permit will arrive in the mail in about a week. No funds are collected during this transaction. Your parking permit fees are charged to your student account. This system is activated in mid-August each year for the upcoming school year.

Longer-Term Parking Arrangements

Please inform Campus Safety and Security of any plans to leave your vehicle on campus during semester or summer breaks. Parking Lot F is reserved for long-term parking. If you need to leave their vehicle in Lot N to catch the shuttle, you are required to fill out the form so Campus Safety knows that your vehicle will be there long-term. Lot N in front of Building 73 is typically used for off-campus students to park their cars on campus in order to take advantage of shuttle services.

RAVE Emergency Mass Communication System

ERAU’s RAVE system (type in “Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University”) is used to transmit emergency messages to registered participants via email, phone, text and our outdoor public address system, as well as on Facebook (Embry-Riddle Campus Safety and Security Prescott). Another feature, called Alertus, will capture PC desktops and interrupt classroom presentations to advise students and employees of emergencies and recommended actions to take. Your ERAU email account is automatically enrolled to receive RAVE messages. We strongly recommend that you opt-in to this system with your phone so you can receive voice and text messages wherever you are on campus. To update your contact information, please visit the link above.

Safe Walk

Campus Safety and Security offers a Safe Walk to anyone who would rather not walk alone on campus, for any reason. This service is available to anyone, students and employees, day or night, with assistance between any locations on campus. Call Campus Safety and Security at 928-777-3333 to request a Safe Walk. When possible, please call in advance so officers can prepare.  

Other Campus Safety and Security Resources

The Prescott Campus Safety and Security Department is supported by and collaborates with various offices within the university that also focus on issues related to safety. These include offices and resources that focus on aviation safety, emergency management, environmental health and safety, risk management, and safety culture. Please contact us for more information.

Important Campus Safety and Emergency Numbers:

In an Emergency: In the event of an on-campus emergency, call 911 (dial “9” first from on-campus phones). If you can, also call Campus Safety and Security at 928-777-3333 so they can help direct responders.

Frequently Used On-Campus Safety Numbers:

  • Campus Safety and Security Office: 928-777-3333 
  • Wellness Center: 928-777-6653 
  • Counseling Services: 928-777-3879 
  • Dean of Students Office: 928-777-3879

Off-Campus Safety Numbers (dial “9” first from on-campus phones):

  • Prescott Police & Fire, Emergency: 911 
  • Prescott Police Department, non-emergency: 928-777-1900 
  • Prescott Fire Department, non-emergency: 928-777-1700 
  • Life Line Ambulance Service, Prescott: 911 
  • Yavapai Regional Medical Center (YRMC), 1003 Willow Creek Road: 928-445-2700

For more details of the Campus Safety and Security programs at Embry-Riddle Prescott please visit our website.

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

Information concerning sexual offenders or predators as required by the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offenders Registration Act can be accessed at the Arizona Department of Law Enforcement website.

For Title IX Sexual Harassment & University Sexual Misconduct policies, view the Title IX Compliance Policy.

Annual Campus Security Report

The Annual Campus Security Report is available at the Safety & Security website. This report includes campus and related crime statistics for the previous three calendar years and features campus security policies, procedures, and safety recommendations. For a paper copy of the Annual Campus Security Report, contact the Campus Safety & Security Department at 928-777-3333.

Remember, prompt reporting of emergencies, suspicious conditions, or crimes is important. Call us at 928-777-3333 or 911 for emergencies.

Campus Community Safety Considerations

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University reserves the right to consider a student’s or applicant’s character, academic and behavioral record, criminal record, or other pertinent information in granting or denying housing or admission, making related assignments or schedules, or imposing reasonable, appropriately tailored requirements to protect the campus environment. Unless specifically exempted from disclosure by law or order of the court, students and applicants have an affirmative duty to immediately disclose any criminal convictions or charges against them for violent offenses, offenses against minors and/or offenses that are punishable as a felony.

The presence on campus of students or applicants who commit serious violations of university rules, regulations and procedures, or have unacceptable character, academic or behavioral record, or criminal record, may be inconsistent with the safety and other compelling interests of the university. This includes any behaviors that occur on- as well as off-campus. Accordingly, the university may, at the university’s sole discretion, temporarily or permanently bar any person from all or any part of university-owned or controlled property, or impose reasonable conditions upon any student or applicant who violates university rules, regulations and procedures, or whose character, academic or behavioral record or criminal record is determined by the university to pose an unreasonable risk to the interests of the university, its students, employees, or visitors. Action based on conduct shall not normally be taken against admitted students until the student has been afforded a process consistent with applicable ERAU policies and procedures. However, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University reserves the right to take immediate action to protect the health or safety of people or property.

Career Services

STEM Education Center, Building 76, 928-777-6600

Career Services supports preparation for career success through providing one-on-one advising, resume, cover letter, job application and other writing assistance, advice from and exposure to industry leaders and employers, employment trends, assistance with job and internship searches, and a variety of workshops to increase job skills and competitiveness. Career advising is also available for cooperative education programs. Co-op education and internships provide opportunities for students to gain work experience related to their academic program and their anticipated careers. Visit our Career Services website for information about our programs and staff, including the staff contacts designated for each degree program.

CARES/Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) 

Dean of Students Office, Building 49-108, 928-777-4821

The purpose of Cares/BIT is to coordinate Embry-Riddle’s resources for providing care and support to students who are experiencing life events affecting their well-being and to address concerns about those displaying behavioral issues or expressing threats of harm to self or others. Upon receipt of a referral, Cares/BIT members will review the information submitted. As necessary, the team will apply interventions aimed at incorporating support and safety measures to promote student well-being and success. For behavioral issues, the team’s goal is to identify problems prior to a student being referred to the student conduct process. However, depending on the nature of the behavior, a student may receive support from Cares/BIT while concurrently navigating the student conduct system. The Cares/BIT process includes a convenient method for reporting concerns. The “Report Student of Concern” form can be found on ERNIE. If you need to report a life-threatening emergency, including a threat of imminent harm to self or others, immediately call Campus Safety and Security at 928-777-3333 or use a campus blue phone. For non-emergencies, submit a report online using the form.

Catalog – Undergraduate/Graduate

The academic catalog is the official source of the university’s academic programs, courses, academic policies, procedures, and regulations for both undergraduate and graduate students. View the Prescott academic catalog.

Center for Diversity and Inclusion 

J. R. Hunt Student Union, Building 16, Room 107, 928-777-3968

The Center for Diversity & Inclusion at the ERAU-Prescott Campus celebrates the diversity of students, faculty and staff, and assists in efforts that create an inclusive academic and learning environment through various services, resources and programming. The Center provides resources and advocacy on behalf women, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, persons with disability, diverse socioeconomic and cultural/religious groups, etc. The Center, which works closely with the Dean of Students and the university’s diversity team, strives to be a collaborative campus partner that helps students to adapt and thrive in diverse environments, engage in creative, productive and meaningful activities, and understand the impacts of their behaviors on others. The Center also engages collaboratively in efforts that support enrollment, persistence and retention, especially for students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Activities include:

  • Producing programs by, for and about diverse groups on campus
  • Reaching out to the campus at large with programs, training and consultation
  • Supporting (financially and otherwise) the activities of campus groups who contribute to campus diversity
  • Providing a safe outlet for diverse, underrepresented, minorities, or marginalized individuals and groups to voice their concerns
  • Performing campus-wide assessment and planning activities to identify the current climate, obstacles to diversity and inclusion, and promising initiatives for the future 

Center for International Programs and Services (CIPS)

Building 51, 928-777-3773

The Center for International Programs and Services (CIPS) is Embry-Riddle's hub for international information and services for international students. CIPS works to provide a diverse and international environment on the Prescott campus, ensuring that students will be equipped to work in the rapidly changing world ahead of them. Embry-Riddle supports international education in all fields of study and encourages participation in multicultural education programs and activities. Our goal is for students to graduate as globally engaged citizens. For more information and to get involved please stop by! More information available on the CIPS website.

Counseling Services 

Haas Interfaith Chapel - Building 46, 928-777-3312

Counseling Services at Embry-Riddle Prescott offers a wide range of mental health, educational, career and consultative services to students. The staff are committed to providing a safe, welcoming environment for all students regardless of their gender, gender expression, gender identity, ethnicity, race, language, culture, religious/spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, immigration status, age, physical and mental/intellectual abilities and/or socioeconomic status. Services are Free. No Insurance is charged.

Counseling Services provides a safe and confidential place to discuss concerns or problems that might be interfering with personal growth and/or academic achievement. Counseling Services strives to help students achieve educational goals, learn problem-solving, increase and enhance their capacity for satisfying interpersonal relationships, narrow career goals and make full use of their potential for continued growth beyond the educational experience at Embry-Riddle. The primary services offered by trained licensed counseling professionals at ERAU Counseling Services include individual, group and couples counseling services, crisis management, outreach program development, consultation and referrals.

  • Counseling is available during business hours. To make an appointment, call Counseling Services at 928-777-3312.
  • If you are in need of 24/7 counseling services, please contact Telus Health — 24/7 Mental Health Services — at 1-866-492-2252 or download the mobile app from a smartphone.
  • For emergencies after hours, call 911 or Campus Safety and Security at 928-777-3333.
  • If you are in a crisis after hours, call the 24/7 Crisis Hotline — 988, Spectrum HealthCare — at 602-222-9444. For more information, visit the Counseling Services website.

Dean of Students Office 

Building 49, 928-777-3836

The Dean of Students provides leadership and oversight for the Division of Student Affairs, which includes the Dean of Students Office, Counseling Services, Disability Support Services (DSS), Housing and Residence Life (HRL), Student Engagement, the Wellness Center, and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion. These offices and departments provide leadership for various campus programs and services including Orientation, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Clubs and Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), and the Parent & Family Association. These offices also provide oversight for various campus events and programs. The Dean of Students Office is also responsible for all policies and procedures related to student conduct and the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT).

The staff in the Dean of Students Office offer assistance and support for students who require extended absences from class due to hospitalization, family emergencies or other reasons when the student is not available. Staff also assist with concerns about personal and family issues, student rights and responsibilities, grievances, students of concern, withdrawals, student policies and procedures, and/or student conduct issues and appeals.

Non-academic educational records and other services directly related to your co-curricular experience at Embry-Riddle are managed by the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office works in cooperation with the Records Office to ensure compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA) Act, which establishes guidelines for colleges and universities related to the management and release of students’ educational records, which includes student conduct records. The Dean of Students Office serves as a centralized location for student assistance. If we cannot answer your question, we will direct you to the appropriate department or office for assistance. Students with specific academic concerns can also be directed toward the deans of the academic colleges.

Dining Services (Sodexo)

Sodexo is the campus dining provider and is pleased to provide innovative dining options to Embry-Riddle, Prescott students, faculty and staff. Sodexo not only strives to offer a fresh, high-quality product but is happy to bring culinary versatility in meeting the needs of guests. Anyone with special dietary should consult with our skilled culinarians; they will be happy to accommodate. This kind of specialized service is not reserved for specific medical conditions. Follow Sodexo on Facebook at Embry-Riddle Campus Dining or download our BITE App using code H3QQ3 for daily menus. For additional information regarding hours of operation, meal plans and more, visit our dining website.

Dining options on campus and at the Flight Line include:

  • Earhart’s Dining Hall - Building 45, 928-777-6905
  • WOW Café (World of Wings) - J. R. Hunt Student Union, Building 16
  • Scholars’ Café - Building 43, Christine & Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Library & Learning Center
  • Simply to Go - Hall 9 in the Village Complex
  • Eagles Café - 2191 Sweginnis Loop, Flight Line, at the corner of Wilkinson Dr. and Sweginnis Loop
  • TURBO - Mobile food cart at different locations across campus
  • Rocket Deli & Salads - Next to WOW in the J. R. Student Union, Building 16


EagleCard Office - Building 13, 928-777-3900

All students, faculty and staff members on the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus are required to have a university EagleCard to identify themselves as a member of this campus. EagleCards are required for a variety of things, including use of the library, Cashier’s Office, food services, laundry, fitness center, bookstore and for attendance at various campus events. You are required to present your EagleCard promptly at the request of a university official, e.g., safety officer, staff member, professor, or administrator. EagleCards will not be retained by staff except in the case of an emergency or if the card is required for evidence. Damaged cards cost $10.00 to replace, the fee for lost cards is $20.00. All EagleCards are the property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. For more information, visit the EAGLEcard website at

EagleCard Debit Accounts

The University agrees to maintain nontransferable, non-interest-bearing accounts (Eagle Dollars) with funds prepaid by the cardholder. These accounts shall be debited for goods and services purchased. The cardholder understands that these accounts are not credit card accounts and that under no circumstances shall debits or charges be made that would reduce the balance in the accounts below zero. The EagleCard is considered legal tender if presented as payment. If the cardholder's balance goes below zero on the account as a result of the system being offline, the cardholder is still responsible for all purchases made. The University reserves the right to suspend these accounts and/or EagleCard privileges if a negative balance goes unpaid for more than 30 days or if a student’s account is delinquent.

EagleCard Deposits

  • Cardholders can open an Eagle Dollars Account by making a $1.00 deposit to the account.
  • At the University’s discretion, the Eagle Dollars Account may be suspended or terminated if a deposited check is returned and/or the return causes the account to have a negative balance.
  • The University also reserves the right to suspend any account if a negative balance goes unpaid for more than 30 days or if a student account is delinquent.

Eagle Dollar Account Closing and Refunds

  • Funds in an Eagle Dollars Account are not transferable.
  • There are no cash withdrawals permitted.
  • Funds in an Eagle Dollars Account will remain from semester to semester, year to year, and will not be refunded unless the cardholder withdraws, graduates, is dismissed from the University or employment with the University is terminated. Proof of the above events is required.

Meal Plans

Meal plans are accessed via the EagleCard. Meal Plans and dining accounts are managed by University Dining Services.

EagleCard Building Access

Certain buildings and areas require the use of an EagleCard for entry.

  • Housing: All students living in campus housing have access to their residence hall.
  • Building/Lab Access: All active cardholders have access specific to their classification and security needs.

Financial Aid Office

Visitors Center - Building 41, 928-777-3765;

All students are encouraged to use the Financial Aid Office as a resource for funding questions or concerns. Financial Aid counselors are available to answer questions regarding the financial aid process and additional funding options. Use ERNIE to view outstanding “To-Do List” items, financial aid offers and disbursements. Students must reapply for federal financial aid every year after October 1. For most types of aid, including federal and institutional sources, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress standards to have their aid renewed. Please refer to the Financial Aid webpage for more detailed information.

Fraternity & Sorority Life 

J. R. Hunt Student Union - Building 16, Rm. 125, 928-777-6931,

Participating in fraternity and sorority life can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences during your college career. Joining a fraternity or sorority provides an opportunity to volunteer in the community, meet others through social events, develop leadership skills, receive academic support, grow interpersonally and network with alumni. It also offers you a sense of belonging on campus and a place to be yourself. The core values of scholarship, friendship, leadership, service and accountability are the foundation for our community's activities. Our community currently consists of four fraternities and three sororities. Visit the FSL website for more information.

Gender Neutral Restroom & Locker-Room Accessibility

Every student, faculty and staff member has the right to use campus facilities without being harassed, bullied or victimized. Embry-Riddle affirms that every student, faculty and staff member has the right to use the restroom/locker room that corresponds with their gender identity.

There are single-stall gender-inclusive restrooms for use by members of the Embry-Riddle community throughout campus. Gender-inclusive restrooms can be found in the following buildings and locations: 

  • Building 16 - Student Union Rm. 111
  • Building 21 - RASC, Rm. 106, 107, 117, 118
  • Building 65 - Plant Maintenance, Rm. 115, 116
  • Building 67 - Material Management, Rm. 104
  • Building 80 - Athletic Complex, 2nd Floor, Rm. 205
  • Building F3 - Flight Line, Rm. 102, 103
  • Building F7 - Simulator Building Break Room, Rm. 133A
  • Building T2 Lobby


Academic Records and Graduation Status: Office of the Registrar - Building 12, 928-777-3808 

Ceremony Information: Office of the Chancellor - Building 41, 928-777-4740

Commencement (graduation) ceremonies are held twice per year, after Fall semester in December and after Spring semester in May. Students apply for graduation through the Registrar’s Office, online through Campus Solutions.

Eligible seniors applying for graduation may submit an application during the term prior to their graduation semester (e.g., Spring graduates may apply in fall, and Fall graduates may apply in summer/spring). We encourage students to apply early in case there are issues to resolve. Graduation evaluators will process applications for degree completion to ensure that all requirements have been met and all applicable credits are awarded to the student’s record. Graduation and Commencement planning is coordinated by the Campus Events Director. For information about graduation, visit our Graduation website.

Grievance Policy & Procedure

It is the policy of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University to administer its educational programs in a fair, prompt, equitable and academically sound manner in accordance with the appropriate regulations and criteria of its governing board, accrediting associations, and federal and state laws and regulations. Students are provided an opportunity to express any complaint, grievance or dispute to be investigated for possible resolution. The Dean of Students Office will provide advice and guidance to students who present grievances or complaints, whether personal or academically related. Depending on the circumstances of an allegation involving civil rights equity, harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct may be referred to the Title IX Office, which operates separately from the Dean of Students Office.

Appeals concerning previously assigned grades are addressed through the academic administrative procedures, beginning with the course instructor. See the Grade Appeal Process in the Catalog. The Dean of Students Office will provide general guidance on the grade appeal process and other academic issues, and will refer students to the appropriate resource or authority.

Informal Procedure

Students are encouraged to begin by addressing their grievance or concern directly with the appropriate Embry-Riddle individual or organization. (Note: The exception to this is if the situation involves any matters that be a violation of Title IX Policy, whether personal or academic. In that circumstance, the student is referred to the Title IX Coordinator for further consultation.) This part of the grievance procedure is considered an “Informal” aspect of the process and is meant to empower the student to confront the source of their concern, as well as minimize the length of time involved in achieving a resolution.

Depending on the type of grievance, the Dean of Students Office may report the complaint to the Title IX office, Human Resources or any other appropriate avenue for processing.

If no agreement is reached, students may choose to address their grievance in writing directly to the next appropriate department head or director with responsibility for the area of concern. Students may seek assistance from the Dean of Students Office to file and process a formal written grievance. Any student at any time may choose to file a formal written grievance with the Dean of Students Office.  

Formal Procedure

  1. The Dean of Students or their designee will meet with the student to discuss options. 
  2. Students who wish to file a formal grievance must provide a written grievance or complaint electronically if possible. Students are encouraged to include details, specific information, and a complete description of the issue or circumstance. Supporting documentation may be attached.  
  3. The written complaint will be electronically filed in the Conduct Data Management System for record-keeping purposes. If the complaint involves an employee, a copy of the report will be forwarded with High Importance notation to the supervisor, department chair, college dean or HR as appropriate, along with a request for review and follow-up. If the complaint involves another student or an organization, the Dean of Students Office will forward the report to the appropriate director or department for review and follow-up. 
  4. Students will be encouraged to follow up with the Dean of Students Office regarding the status of their grievance and/or to seek guidance regarding any phase of the process. 
  5. The Dean of Students Office will keep a record of all correspondence regarding student grievance cases, up to and including resolution, for a minimum of seven years following final disposition.

When appropriate, the Dean of Students Office may arrange for informal mediation services for dispute resolution. Mediation may take place in lieu of any conduct proceedings, but requires the understanding of both parties that the process and the outcome are informal. At any time, either party may decide to stop the mediation process and may elect to move forward with a formal process as discussed above. 

Horizons Newspaper

J.R. Hunt Student Union - Building 16, Room 128, 928-777-3891,

Horizons Newspaper is Embry-Riddle Prescott's award-winning, student-run newspaper which endeavors to provide Embry-Riddle’s Prescott community with meaningful and up-to-date information about the university, local community, aviation news and the world at large. Horizons Newspaper is published every two weeks throughout each semester, both printed and electronically at Get involved by contacting us at the email listed above.

Housing and Residence Life (HRL)

Haas Commons - Building 73, 928-777-3744; after hours 928-777-3790

The Department of Housing and Residence Life (HRL) is responsible for providing a safe and positive living and learning environment for residential students. HRL offers a variety of activities and community programs within the residence halls. A complete overview and listing of Housing and Residence Life policies, procedures and services is provided in a section later in this Handbook. All students living in residence halls are expected to read and review these policies and procedures.

Information Technology (IT)

Contact: via ERNIE (choose “Need help?” from the log in page), call 928-777-6990 or email

The IT Support Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Information Technology (IT) is responsible for planning, implementation and support of information resources to serve the university’s primary functions of instruction, research and administration.

Embry-Riddle’s Network for Information Exchange (ERNIE) helps students find and view information that is important and pertinent. ERNIE provides a one-stop-shop for services such as managing your student account and password, email, access to Canvas courses, unofficial transcripts, class grades and schedules, account balances, and flight schedules. Log on to ERNIE by visiting

Other services provided by IT include Embry-Riddle email accounts, computerized labs and classrooms, network storage space for class assignments (accessible through ERNIE), Internet access for on-campus housing, and wireless Internet access in all buildings and residence halls. Popular Microsoft software titles and anti-virus software are available for free download by visiting the ERNIE IT page. Log into ERNIE, go to "Departments," choose "Information Technology," and then choose "Software."

All constituents are expected to read and understand the provisions contained within all information technology policies. 

Interfaith Chapel 

Fred and Fay Haas Interfaith Chapel - Building 46, 928-777-3312

The university recognizes that students may feel challenged by the many questions, experiences and world views encountered during their college experience. We also recognize that because students are faced with a consuming social life and the subtle influence of peers, it is important to encourage and promote spiritual development. Special opportunities for deepening faith, such as meetings and programs sponsored by student religious clubs, are offered during the regular academic year. The Fred and Fay Haas Memorial Interfaith Chapel is the center where students, faculty and staff can go to for their spiritual needs, be it meditation, quiet time and reflection, or for activities offered by religious clubs and organizations. It is also a place where special events are scheduled during the academic year. The Chapel is open to students, staff and faculty from Monday through Friday after 5:00 p.m. and also all day on Saturday and Sunday.

Library and Learning Center 

Christine & Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Library & Learning Center - Building 43, 928-777-3811

The Hazy Library serves as your destination for academic enrichment and research support. Committed to creating an environment for enhancing your learning experience, the Hazy Library provides information resources, services and facilities designed to help you succeed in your studies and research endeavors. Whether you are engaged in interactive learning or deep into a research project or solo study, we have the expertise to support you in your academic success.

Our extensive collection includes a diverse range of materials and formats, including books, e-books, audiobooks, DVDs, journals, e-journals, newspapers and scholarly databases, ensuring comprehensive access to information across various disciplines. Moreover, our Technology Lending is equipped with laptops, projectors, calculators, Oculus VR sets and more, available for borrowing for in-library use and remote learning.

Recognizing different learning styles and preferences, we offer a variety of study accommodations and areas including individual study carrels, group and collaborative presentation rooms and open spaces, computer commons, and a dedicated quiet reading room.

Our team of experienced librarians are here to help you. We provide personalized assistance to teach you how to navigate the library’s extensive resources. Whether through in-person consultations or virtual interactions via chat, text or email, our librarians are committed to supporting you in your research process for your assignments and projects.

For convenient access to our updates, virtual resources, services, policies, operating hours, and social media, we invite you to use the library website at

Mail Room & Postal Services 

Building 11, 928-777-3782 

The mail room is centrally located and offers a variety of services, including full-service USPS and FedEx options. Students living on campus are provided a mailbox to receive personal and university mail. It is the responsibility of each student to check their campus mailbox daily. Packages are processed when received throughout the day and signed for if required. Once a student receives an email from the mailroom, they can come in for pickup. Same-day orders arriving from Walmart, Target, etc., will need to be delivered to student dorm rooms, not the mailroom. Incoming mail is distributed to mailboxes by 4 p.m. 

The mailing address for the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus is:

Student Name
3700 Willow Creek Road
ERAU Box Number
Prescott, AZ 86301

For more information about the mail room and postal services at the Prescott campus, visit their website at

Non-Discrimination Policy

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University responds to all allegations of discrimination and harassment and takes steps to ensure that each situation is addressed according to applicable policies and legal requirements. This may include complaints of unfair treatment based on a protected category, harassment by others in the workplace based on these characteristics, denial of a reasonable workplace accommodation or retaliation because of a complaint covered under this policy.

When the University becomes aware that a member of the University community may have been subjected to or affected by discriminatory and/or harassing behavior, the University will take prompt action, including a review of the matter and, if necessary, conduct an investigation, take appropriate action to stop the discrimination and/or harassment, and prevent future recurrence. The course of action taken by the University, including any disciplinary action, will depend on the particular facts and circumstances involved.

The University’s policies and procedures relating to harassment are not intended to inhibit or restrict free speech or the expression of ideas, nor is it the university’s intention to police employees’ personal lives outside of the workplace. It is important to be aware of the potential impact of actions or behavior occurring outside of work that unnecessarily brings unwanted, negative attention to Embry Riddle or harm to others.

The University policy and reporting procedures may be found on the ERAU Title IX Managed Policies website.


Building 12, 928-777-3808,

The Office of the Registrar provides academic support services to students, faculty, staff and alumni and maintains student academic records while preserving their privacy and security. The many services offered include academic evaluations of credit for incoming and continuing students, assistance with class registration, printing of official transcripts and enrollment verification letters, change of legal name, graduation application processing, and degree conferral and production of diplomas. Additional information and a variety of online forms are available at our departmental website in ERNIE. Our staff is happy to answer questions you may have regarding your academic records or academic policies.


Embry-Riddle Prescott offers Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC programs, as well as a Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Class Program (PLC) on campus. These programs provide students the opportunity to acquire leadership skills, physical conditioning and military training. Each of these programs helps prepare students for commissioning as officers in their respective branches of the military. The contact information for each program is:

  • Air Force ROTC: Building 79, 928-777-3868
  • Army ROTC: Building 70C, 928-777-3870
  • Marine OFC SEL OFC: 480-894-0439

Serving Law Enforcement & Government Agency Requests Policy

It is the policy of the university to facilitate the service of legal documents and requests from government and law enforcement agencies as provided under Arizona state statutes while maintaining full compliance with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Legal documents being served to university employees for issues arising from their employment at the university should be directed to Legal Affairs’ local designee or to Human Resources.

All legal documents to be served by law enforcement officers directed to university students will be facilitated through the Dean of Students Office and/or Campus Safety and Security. If a law enforcement officer is on campus to speak with a student regarding an investigative matter, the law enforcement officer is encouraged to contact the Campus Safety and Security Department, who will attempt to locate the student and facilitate a non-disruptive meeting in a private location.

All legal documents to be served by law enforcement officers to university employees— for non-university issues — will be facilitated through the Human Resources Department and Campus Safety and Security. If a law enforcement officer is on campus to speak with an employee of the university regarding a non-university investigative matter, the law enforcement officer is encouraged to contact Campus Safety and Security, who will attempt to locate the employee and facilitate a non-disruptive meeting in a private location.

Civil process servers will be encouraged to contact students or employees of the university off-campus during non-school/non-business hours. Private investigators will be encouraged to contact students or employees of the university off-campus during non-school/non-business hours.

Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

Christine & Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Library & Learning Center - Building 43, Room 109, 928-777-6751,

The university is committed to creating an accessible academic community. The Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office grants accommodations for equal access to qualifying students with disabilities who request them. Students seeking accommodations should submit an online application for accommodations through our website as early as possible prior to the start of classes. The website also has information on how to document a disability. Log into ERNIE and go to the DSS Prescott webpage under “Departments.” Click on the “SAS Portal” to start your application. If you have questions about the application or what to submit for documentation, please contact our office at the above phone number or email address. Once you have submitted your application and documentation, you will be contacted about scheduling a meeting with SAS staff to discuss what accommodations you may need.

Students who think they may have a disability, but who have never been evaluated, are encouraged to contact the SAS office for information on how to proceed. Diagnostic testing is not provided by the university, but a list of area specialists can be provided. Costs associated with evaluative testing are the responsibility of the student. Students needing temporary accommodations due to an injury or short-term illness should contact SAS as soon as possible to schedule a meeting.

Note: Academic programs that are FAA certified are subject to FAA regulations and students are expected to meet program standards with or without accommodations. If you have any questions about specific program standards, you should consult with your advisor or contact Career Services at or 928-777-6276.

Additionally, if you have been prescribed an ESA, contact us about requirements for documentation. Please note that we do not accept any type of certificate for which you may be charged a fee. Typically, these certificates can be costly and are unnecessary. Documentation usually involves obtaining a letter from your healthcare provider and we can give you guidelines to share with your provider.

Students with concerns regarding approved accommodations should promptly contact SAS to discuss ways of addressing them. Students who believe they have experienced discrimination based on a disability should follow the grievance procedure outlined in the Student Handbook.

Student Employment

Visitors Center/Human Resources Office - Building 41, Suite 155, 928-777-3712

On-campus job postings are posted in ERNIE > Workday > Career > Find Student jobs. Information about off-campus jobs is available in Handshake Jobs (tool) on ERNIE.

Student Engagement

J. R. Hunt Student Union - Building 16, Reception Desk, 928-777- 3781,

The Department of Student Engagement provides programs and services for holistic growth and skill development, with the goals of creating foundations for personal and professional success and contributing to the meaningful co-curricular experience of Embry-Riddle Prescott students. Check out opportunities available to you through Eagle Life, attend events and feel free to stop by our offices in the Student Union (125-127) to see how you can engage in your campus community!

Student Financial Services/Cashiers Office

Building 13, 928-777-3726

Student Financial Services staff assist you with any questions regarding your student account. The university offers semester payment plans that will be available for online enrollment approximately 30 days prior to the start of the fall and spring semesters and each summer session. Payments made at Student Financial Services/the Cashier’s Office must be paid by check or pin debit. Credit card payments must be made online only and will be assessed a third-party convenience fee. Payments for tuition and fees are due by the published due date prior to each term. Failure to meet the payment deadline may result in classes being canceled. More information can be found on our Cashiers page.

Student Government Association (SGA)

J. R. Hunt Student Union - Building 16, Room 115, 928-777-3784,

The Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott Campus Student Government Association (SGA) serves to strengthen the partnership between students, faculty, staff and administrators while fostering a culture of excellence and pride for the lasting success of Embry-Riddle and its students.

The SGA is a primary student resource for voicing concerns and suggesting new ideas for improvement to the university. Members of the SGA are publicly elected each year and are heavily involved in campus-wide and often university-wide issues. The SGA President serves as a student delegate to the Board of Trustees for the university, and each SGA council member serves on a variety of SGA and campus committees.

SGA members hold 7-10 office hours each week and warmly welcome all students into the SGA Office. The SGA’s goal is to give back and serve students. This could range from addressing a concern to providing a free snack and warm cup of coffee. Contact the SGA ( for more information.

SGA Executive Council

The Executive Council is comprised of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The President is ultimately responsible for the SGA and its organizations. The executives oversee the operation of their respective branches. Contact the SGA President at or 928-777-4778 for more information.

SGA Representative Council

The Representative Council is comprised of eight positions: four college representatives (one for each of the four colleges); one Organization Representative; one Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Representative; one Director of Tailgates and Special Events; and one Director of Marketing. Student representatives are responsible for addressing student concerns, meeting with their college dean and other leadership to enhance student life, and voting on SGA funding, legislation and resolutions. Contact the SGA Vice President ( for more information.

SGA Committees

There are currently seven SGA committees: Budget Committee, Bylaws/Constitution Committee, One Eagle Project Committee, Election Committee, Resolution Committee, Tailgates and Special Events Committee, and the Traffic Committee.

SGA Service Organizations

The three SGA Service Organizations are the Board of Campus Activities (BCA), Horizons Newspaper and the Student Campus Enhancement Fund (SCEF). Each is described in more detail in their sections of the resources guide.

SGA Auxiliaries

Student Outreach Action Resources (SOAR)

SOAR is a voluntary underclassmen introductory program led by the SGA Secretary. SOAR’s goal at its inception is to get students interested in SGA and begin their career in campus leadership. In this program, students will understand the ability to lead others, increase problem-solving skills, engage in student advocacy, learn communication skills, and most of all, serve their campus. This program is an embedded auxiliary in SGA dedicated to building premier student advocates for tomorrow’s student body.

Student Treasury

The Student Treasury of the SGA educates students about budget issues, conducts research to improve SGA and its abilities through funding, seeks ways to maintain better communication with clubs and organizations, promotes treasury events, and weighs in on funding appeals and club tiers. The Student Treasury offers several executive positions; students from all class levels may apply. Contact the SGA Treasurer ( for more information.

SGA Committees and Services

The SGA has various committees and services to best serve our student body; they are listed below.

Budget Committee & Funding Opportunities

The SGA has numerous funding opportunities for students and student organizations, including SGA club/organization grants, SGA club funding, SGA-sponsored events and SGA proposals. The SGA Budget Committee is the financial decision-making body of the SGA for fiscal issues. The committee approves the SGA budgets each semester and approves all requests for grants from service organizations and student organizations.


SGA Student Council positions are open to the members of the student body through elections held each spring semester for the following academic year. Information about elections is available in the SGA Office.

Marketing Support

The SGA welcomes support from students to help expand our marketing division, which may lead to leadership and staffed positions in the future. Contact the SGA Director of Marketing ( for more information.


OctoberWest is organized each year by BCA and serves as ERAU Prescott’s flagship Homecoming Week each year, engaging many students and alumni. During this week, students display school spirit as BCA carries out many traditions such as free shirts, pillow stuffing, Friday Fair and so much more! The festivities for each OctoberWest are planned each year by student committees starting in the spring.

One Eagle Project

The One Eagle Project’s mission is to strive to unite the campus community under the banner that we are all "One Eagle." The Project’s goal is to find what unites all people, specifically giving a voice to minorities on campus while actively working against discrimination in the campus community. Members of this committee reach out to the community to host respectful conversations, strive for inclusiveness, and offer support through One Eagle Project-sponsored events or efforts. Contact the SGA for more information.

Outdoor Recreation Equipment Rentals Service

The SGA began partnering with Athletics in 2021 to offer free recreation equipment to students. This equipment is checked out at the Intramural office with other athletic equipment. The equipment that is currently available for student and employee rental includes kayaks, paddleboards, hiking gear, fishing gear and other outdoor recreation equipment. Rental for all equipment is free of charge for students, staff, and faculty. Contact or the intramural sports office for more information.

Outreach to Students

SGA provides outreach to students through office hours, suggestion boxes, frequent social media surveys and other events. Follow the SGA on Instagram at @erausgapr!

Safe Ride

The SGA provides a free transportation service through AAA Taxi, which returns students home in the event they find themselves in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation. Forms for this service are available through the SGA website in ERNIE. Contact the SGA for more information.

SGA Tailgates and Special Events

Throughout the school year, the SGA holds multiple tailgates and special events for students to attend. These are planned and overseen by the Director of Tailgates and Special Events along with the Tailgates and Special Events Committee. Tailgates typically coincide with athletic events to help bring out support for our teams and increase student involvement with our athletic programs. These events are open to all students and have a variety of giveaways, raffles and free food. Contact the Director of Tailgates and Special Events ( for more information.

Spirit Week

Starting in 2021, the SGA, through SOAR, put on a weeklong Spirit Week in our Spring semester, which encourages college spirit and competition for bragging rights between our four academic colleges. This fun-filled week includes activities such as daily giveaways, college-themed competitions, athletic events and more!

Student Food Nutrition Initiative

The SGA has partnered with donors to provide food resources to any students who demonstrate need. Contact the SGA for more information.

University Committees

SGA members serve on several university committees, including the Academic Advisement Committee; Academic Standards, Procedures and Admissions Committee; ACFAC; Curriculum Committee; Diversity Advisement Committee; Food Service Committee; Graduation Committee; Institutional Effectiveness Committee; International Student Committee; Library Committee; OctoberWest Committee; Opening Committee; RC^2 Committee, the Refund Committee; and the University Judicial Board Committee.

Additional SGA Services & Programs

Additional SGA services and programs include the flag display in the library, free snack/beverage service for students, lockers and storage for students, and a shopping shuttle service.

Student Campus Enhancement Fund (SCEF)

J. R. Hunt Student Union - SGA Office Building 16, Room 115, 928-777-3784,

The SGA allocates a portion of the SGA student fee to the SCEF committee each semester to be used for campus enhancement projects. This includes both short-term and long-term items to make students’ lives at the Prescott campus more enjoyable. The SCEF is comprised of a committee of 15 students. This committee ensures that all recommendations and proposals are considered and determines how the money is allocated. SCEF forms can be picked up in the SGA office and returned to the SCEF box in the Student Union. They are also available on Eagle Life.

Substance Abuse Resources

Embry-Riddle has a responsibility to educate and promote healthy, low-risk choices within our student population and to support similar policies found within the aviation, aerospace and related industries. The University intends to be clear on its position regarding the use, possession and/or sale of illegal drugs, and toward those who have knowledge of violations of any federal, state and local laws. Additionally, the University will take serious action regarding the abuse of legal substances or the illegal sale of legal substances. The University intends to comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Department of Transportation regulations, and Federal Aviation Administration regulations regarding drug and alcohol abuse.

Alcohol and drug assistance information and resources for students on the Prescott campus can be found on our Alcohol & Drug Assistance Information page.

Students in specialized programs may be subject to drug testing under FAA, NCAA and other regulations. Each program will have policies and procedures regarding drug testing, and applicable students are required to understand each rule and consequence of that program. In addition, each program may have additional regulations that must be enforced and could affect a person’s ability to participate in the program.

Local, State and Federal Legal Sanctions

Health Risks

There are many potential health risks associated with the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol.

Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidences of a variety of aggressive acts such as violence, sexual misconduct and drunk driving. Moderate to high doses of alcohol can cause marked impairment in higher mental functions, severely altering a person's ability to learn and remember information. Heavy use may cause chronic depression and suicide, and is often associated with the abuse of other drugs. Very high doses can cause respiratory depression and death.

If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects described. The use of even small amounts of alcohol by pregnant women can damage their fetus.

Long-term heavy alcohol use can cause digestive disorders, cirrhosis of the liver, circulatory system disorders and impairment of the central nervous system, all of which may lead to death. Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence, particularly in persons with one or more parents or grandparents who were problem drinkers. At least 15-20% of heavy users will eventually become problem drinkers or alcoholics if they continue drinking. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions, which can be life-threatening.

Abuse of all drugs is health threatening. Examples of how drugs may affect your system include:

  • Impairment of short-term memory, comprehension, ability to perform tasks requiring concentration, lung damage, paranoia, and possible psychosis
  • Nervous system disorders with possible death that result from an overdose
  • Liver damage
  • Dependence and addiction

Help & Resources

Embry-Riddle provides support to students seeking help in dealing with drug or alcohol issues. The Counseling Center provides substance abuse screenings. The severity of the substance use will determine whether counseling services are provided on campus or if the student is referred to an addiction specialist in the community. Additionally, students may elect, or be required as a judicial sanction, to take part in an alcohol education course.

Campus Resources:

Community Resources:

Learn more about the Alcohol and Drug Assistance Program (ERNIE).

Recognized Student Organizations  

Getting involved in co-curricular activities is a great way to make new friends, meet people with similar interests, develop leadership skills, and make a difference on your campus and in the community. With over 150 recognized student organizations currently active on campus, Embry-Riddle has something for you. An activity fair is held at the beginning of each semester where you can meet with students from different organizations and seek out ways to become involved in campus life. You can also view a complete list of active organizations on Eagle Life.

Title IX, University Sexual Misconduct, and Discrimination Office

Building 41, Office 134, 928-777-6205,

The Title IX Office oversees compliance of Title IX Sexual Harassment in accordance with Federal Regulations, as well as incidents falling under the University Sexual Misconduct policy. Policy violations can include sex/gender discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, relationship/dating violence, sexual misconduct and stalking. 

Anyone may report suspected or known violations to the Title IX Office and may be able to receive supportive measures. Please see the Title IX website for additional information.

Transportation to Flight Training Facilities

The university operates a no-cost van shuttle service that provides students with transportation between the ERAU flight training facility at the Prescott Airport and various locations on the Prescott campus. The shuttle service operates during the hours/days the flight department is open. For specific shuttle information, call the flight supervisor at 928-777-4316.

Shuttle to Phoenix 

Shuttle service is available in the Prescott Tri-City area through various private companies. These services are used frequently by our students and employees, but they are not owned, operated or endorsed by the university. 

Trespass Notice Policy

There are circumstances which result in a student being trespassed from campus. Several of these instances are in conjunction with hearing sanctions implemented when a student has been charged with violating a University policy or Code of Conduct. Interim suspensions, suspensions and dismissals all include Trespass Orders when they are activated. Students who are on interim suspension, suspended or dismissed must notify Campus Safety & Security and be granted permission to conduct business on campus. Failure to gain permission may result in an arrest. Campus Safety & Security reserves the right to contact local law enforcement agencies and have a Trespass Order issued when a student’s behavior is excessively disruptive and/or repeated attempts to learn the identity of any person on campus is unsuccessful. Additionally, all students are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Non-Embry-Riddle visitors may be asked to leave campus and may be trespassed from University property. The student host(s) may be charged with policy violations as a result of the behavior of their guest(s).

Tutoring Services and Writing & Design Lab

The Tutoring Center - STEM 205 and 206, 928-777-3425,
The Writing & Design Lab - Hazy Library 119

The Tutoring Center offers free tutoring services to all enrolled students. Get matched with an experienced peer tutor who has excelled in the courses you are taking. Our tutors provide knowledge, guidance, effective study strategies and encouragement. Support in a challenging course can make all the difference!

Visit our Tutoring Center homepage for the most up-to-date hours, additional information and a link to our app for scheduling your one-on-one appointments. If you need assistance scheduling an appointment, please stop by STEM 205.

Services offered:

  • Scheduled one-on-one appointments are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m., in STEM 205 and 206.
  • Drop-in hours for the Tutoring Center are Sunday-Thursday, 6-8 p.m., in T2 Residence Hall, Room 140. No appointement is needed.

We encourage you to be proactive. There are over 50 tutors excited to help you in those difficult courses. Make this semester successful and get the support you need.

The Writing & Design Lab is a free tutoring service available to all enrolled students. We're here to help you master the art of effective communication and multimedia design. Our team consists of experienced peer tutors from diverse majors and backgrounds, all equipped to assist you in achieving your writing goals. Whether you're tackling research papers, lab reports or URI proposals, or crafting compelling multimedia presentations, rest assured, we've got you covered. We offer in-person and online individual and group consultations, along with access to collaborative design tools. Experience the difference that the Writing & Design Lab can make in your academic journey, and schedule an appointment or drop by today!

Under the Age of 18 Waiver

A student under the age of 18 may be required to have a signature from a parent or guardian to participate in certain campus events such as field trips, recreational activities and sporting events. Obtaining the signature or consent of the student’s parent or guardian for each and every such event or activity would be burdensome for both the student and the parent or guardian.

Therefore, a waiver form may be signed one time by both the student and the parent or guardian to give consent for the student to sign in place of the parent/guardian for all activities and events that require written consent. Waiver forms are available in the Dean of Students Office, Building 49. The waiver expires the day a student reaches the age of 18.

Undergraduate Research Institute 

Christine & Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Library & Learning Center - Building 43, 928-777-3825,

The Undergraduate Research Institute (URI) promotes research, scholarly and creative activities at the undergraduate level. By enhancing critical thinking, problem-solvin, and communication skills, URI helps prepare Embry-Riddle students to contribute as productive individuals, employees and citizens. We facilitate interactions with industry and community partners as students build their professional networks. URI is university-wide and invites students and faculty from all disciplines to participate. Funding is available for teams of students to participate or develop new collegiate, national or international design or research competitions, for grants to students wishing to participate in research and innovation under faculty/staff mentorship, and to help students attend conferences to present the results of their research and scholarship.

Students who aspire to engage in sustained research activities over the course of their undergraduate career are invited to apply for admittance into the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program. Requirements include two or more terms/semesters of research under the supervision of a mentor, completion of research training, research dissemination and reflection. Successful completion of the program will result in a Research Scholar notation on the student’s official academic transcript.

To learn more about the program and application process, contact the Undergraduate Research Institute, Prescott (URI-PC). Interested students must apply for the program no later than the first day of the term of which they anticipate graduating. Applications will not be accepted after a student’s undergraduate degree has been conferred.

Veteran Students

Veteran Student Resource Center (VSRC) - Building 18, 928-777-3796

The Veterans Students Resource Center (VSRC) provides a location for all veterans on campus to meet and study, socialize, and exchange information and ideas with other students of similar backgrounds and experiences. The student peers and staff in the VSRC can provide opportunities for tutoring, problem-solving and learning across all disciplines. Information on the Student Veteran support programs available at ERAU and from outside sources, as well as the Veteran Service Coordinator responsible for these programs, are located in the VSRC building or at 928-777- 3796. Programs specifically designed for the Veteran student and family include mentoring, career guidance, resume assistance, VA benefits assistance, counseling assistance, housing assistance, community relations and outreach. For more information, visit our Veterans Resources page.

VA Tuition & Benefits

Building 18, 928-777-3795

Veterans who wish to receive VA benefits must contact the Veteran Process Coordinator at 928-777-3795 or in person at the VSRC building. Application for veterans’ benefits should be made as soon as the admission process is started but no later than 30 days prior to the start of classes to avoid delays in processing of benefits.

Student Veterans Organization (SVO)

Building 18, 928-777-3796

The SVO is a student club open to all veterans and non-veterans attending ERAU. The SVO typically undertakes several charity projects during the year and hosts a variety of fundraising events in support of the SVO scholarships at ERAU. They also work in conjunction with VSRC to sponsor social events, community events, graduation events and orientation welcoming new veterans to the university. SVO members who meet volunteer and engagement requirements are eligible for an SVO sash to be worn at graduation.

Wellness Center & Health Insurance Requirements

Haas Commons - Building 73, 928-777-6653,

The Wellness Center provides comprehensive healt care to students with the goal of providing the highest quality health care possible. The Wellness Center operates under the direction of a registered nurse and offers many health and medical services, including confirmation of required immunization status for incoming students, yearly well-women visits, treatment of immediate healthcare issues, referrals to medical providers in the community, first aid/CPR classes, weight management education, dietary counseling and wellness education. Physicians are on-site five days a week, and referrals can be made to local dentists. Chiropractic care is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The Wellness Center also offers routine immunizations, including flu shots. Students must present their health insurance card at the time of appointment.

For the health and safety of everyone who visits and works at the Wellness Center, masks must be worn at all times by all visitors, If you are sick or have any symptoms, please call before entering; you will be given instructions on what to do and where to wait when you arrive.

Health Insurance Requirements

All students must have health insurance and provide proof of coverage on an annual basis; insurance coverage must be continuous throughout enrollment at Embry-Riddle. The University recommends that students and/or their parents who are currently insured contact their plan administrator to ascertain benefits and limitations while enrolled at the Prescott  Campus.

All students are automatically enrolled in the University’s student health insurance plan with the premium charged to their student account. Students with comparable private insurance may waive out of this plan. Prior to completing the waiver, we encourage students and/or their parents to review the University’s basic student plan and major medical options at The waiver request must be received and approved by the indicated deadline. Failure to waive the insurance by this deadline will result in the non-refundable insurance premium remaining on the student account. Embry‑Riddle is not responsible for insurance waivers that are submitted after the deadline.

  1. The waiver is found online in ERNIE. 
  2. Go to your "Student Homepage."
  3. Click on "Finances" or "Profile Tab."
  4. Click on "Complete Health Insurance Info."
  5. Remember to click “Waive” to waive out of the plan (or “Enroll” if you are planning to purchase the plan).
  6. Complete instructions are in your "To-Do List" in ERNIE and also in the Tasks Tab.

Note: If you are having issues with your PIN number logging into ERNIE, you may need to reset it to continue with the waiver process or switch to a different browser.

Veterans still need to complete the online waiver and put in their Social Security number or Department of Defense number for policy number if they are waiving out of the insurance.

Learn more about the Student Health Insurance Plan.

For UHCSR plan policy information, visit, enter "ERAU" for school, scroll down to the "Medical - Student Plan," and click on "Explore Policy."