We’re here to provide helpful information for students to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Understanding health insurance for college students can be difficult. All students enrolled at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University are required to be enrolled in a health insurance plan. Students usually have several options available, including student health insurance plans, parents’ employer plans (up to age 26 if dependent coverage is available), and employer plans (for eligible employed students).
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has negotiated with United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR) to provide the greatest value from a student health insurance plan. UHCSR is a Choice Plus Plan, which provides coverage for preventive care, hospitalization, surgery, maternity, emergency care, medically necessary physician care, prescription drugs and mental health. Eligible enrolled students have the option to purchase additional vision and dental insurance and also have the option to enroll their dependents. The process to enroll in the plan can be found on this page under “How to Enroll in This Plan." To find out more about the coverage UHCSR offers, please visit https://www.uhcsr.com/erau.
The United Healthcare Student Resources insurance rates and coverage periods are as follows for the 2024-2025 semesters:
Annual (August 16, 2024 – August 15, 2025) |
Spring (January 1, 2025 – August 15, 2025) |
Summer 1 (A/C) (May 11, 2025 – August 15, 2025) |
Summer 2 (B) (June 29, 2025 – August 15, 2025) |
Student |
$1,870.00 |
$1,163.00 |
$497.00 |
$246.00 |
Spouse |
$1,870.00 |
$1,163.00 |
$497.00 |
$246.00 |
One Child |
$1,870.00 |
$1,163.00 |
$497.00 |
$246.00 |
Two or More Children |
$3,740.00 |
$2,326.00 |
$994.00 |
$492.00 |
Spouse and Two or More Children |
$5,610.00 |
$3,489.00 |
$1,491.00 |
$738.00 |
Students who are covered under a plan that provides comparable coverage while on campus may request to waive out of the school sponsored student insurance plan. An insurance waiver is the process of submitting a formal request to opt out of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University student health insurance plan. Students who can provide proof of comparable insurance coverage may opt out of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University health insurance plan by completing an insurance waiver request. The process to request to waive out can be found on this page under “How to Waive Out of This Plan."
ERAU New Students and Returning Students & When to Waive Out of the Plan
Fall 2024
Spring 2025
Summer 1 (A/C) 2025
Summer 2 (B) 2025
Student Insurance Plan Highlights
The student insurance plan offers you:
- Access to United Healthcare’s nationwide network of health care professionals, including primary care and specialist doctors; dental and vision coverage can be purchased separately.
- Travel Assistance Services and Worldwide Medical coverage while traveling abroad.
To view the United Healthcare Student Resources Health Insurance Plan for Your Child:
You can now do many things online, such as print out your own insurance card, change your mailing address, search for a network provider in your area and check the status of your claims by setting up your own online account. It's quick and easy.
- Log into http://www.uhcsr.com.
- Type in ERAU in the box for School's Name.
- Click on Create a My Account at the bottom.
If you do encounter difficulty, you can call Customer Service at 1-800-767-0700 (7 a.m. to 7 p.m., CST, Monday through Friday).
Worldwide Students
At this time, only registered students of the Daytona Beach & Prescott campuses can participate in the UHCSR insurance. Worldwide students cannot participate in this insurance program.
UHC Global assists in saving the day for students who are studying or traveling in other states or other countries. When you're at least 100 miles from home and you're sick or hurt, UHC Global steps in and steps up with immediate access to doctors, hospitals and pharmacies in unfamiliar places. In the extreme, they'll even help you get home if you need to be medically evacuated.
Services include: Medical Assistance Service, Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Services, Security and Natural Disaster, Evacuation Services, Worldwide Destination Intelligence and Travel Assistance Services. The toll-free number is on your SR ID card or in My Account. For more information on UHC Global, please visit www.uhcsr.com/uhcglobal.
Any insured member traveling abroad should contact UHC Global if he/she needs to obtain medical services and cannot locate those services on his/her own. UHC Global will assist the member with finding a provider and translation services if needed. Any provider overseas is out of network. The member will have to pay for the treatment up front and then submit the claim and proof of payment to UHCSR for reimbursement under the policy.
Download Plan Highlights
- Domestic Students Insurance Summary Brochure
- International Students Summary Brochure coverage, exclusions and limitations
The preferred provider for this plan is United Healthcare Choice Plus Plans. If care is received from a preferred provider, any covered medical expenses will be paid at the Preferred Provider level of benefits. If the covered medical expense is incurred due to a medical emergency, benefits will be paid at the preferred provider level of benefits. In all other situations, reduced or lower benefits will be provided when an out-of-network provider is used.
United Healthcare offers its vision program through a national network including both private practice and retail chain providers. To access the Provider Locator service or for a printed directory, visit United Healthcare's website or call 800-638-3120, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Open enrollment starts July 1, 2020, and goes through August 31, 2020. Purchase of this plan is only available during this enrollment period. Coverage of your vision plan will start August 16, 2020, and will run until August 15, 2021. Insurance coverage starts as low as $123.48 for the year. United Healthcare Vision Plan is available for purchase through www.uhcsr.com/erau.
Download Plan Highlights
Please download the Vision Summary Brochure to view coverage, exclusions and limitations.
United Healthcare has an affordable dental plan available for enrolled students sold separately from the ERAU student insurance plan.
Receive coverage with in-network dentist:
- 100% Diagnostic Services
- 100% Preventive Service
- 80% Basic Services
- 50% Major Services
Open enrollment starts July 1, 2020, and goes through August 31, 2020. Purchase of this plan is only available during this enrollment period. Coverage of your dental plan will start August 16, 2020, and will run until August 15, 2021. Insurance coverage starting as low as $525 for the year. United Healthcare Dental Plan is available for purchase through www.uhcsr.com/erau.
Download Plan Highlights
Please download the Dental Summary Brochure coverage.
- Please go to your Student Homepage.
- Click on the "Finances" or "Profile" tab.
- Click on "Complete Health Insurance Info."
- Remember to click "Enroll" to enroll into the plan.
- Complete instructions are in your "To-Do List" in ERNIE and in your "Tasks" tab.
Enrollment dates are the same as waiver dates; if you want to enroll after the waiver period has closed, please call the Wellness Center at 928-777-6653 or email prwellnesscenter@erau.edu. You will need to provide a Qualifying Life Event letter from your previous insurance carrier.
Health Insurance Information and Waivers
Healthcare in the United States can be expensive, especially if it includes a stay in a hospital. All Embry-Riddle students are required to have medical insurance. To ensure that all students have an appropriate level of insurance, a student insurance policy is included in your tuition and fees.
What if I already have health insurance?
You can waive out of the university-provided healthcare if you are able to show your own insurance. You must process your online waiver request during the time frame offered. No cancellations are allowed beyond the waiver dates.
Your private health insurance must show the following:
- The claims administrator for your plan is based in the United States and there is a U.S. telephone number and address for submission of claims.
- Your plan provides for both emergency and non-emergency health care in the state of Arizona.
- Your plan has participating hospitals, physicians, pharmacies and mental healthcare providers within a 50-mile radius of the campus.
- Your plan provides inpatient/outpatient care, including office visits and mental healthcare and chemical dependency, as well as counseling and psychotherapy benefits, in Florida or Arizona.
- Your plan has a benefit for prescription medications in Arizona.
- Your plan covers laboratory and radiology expenses in Arizona.
- Your plan provides essential services with unlimited lifetime maximums.
- Your plan provides coverage while you are enrolled at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
- Repatriation: $25,000 coverage to return the student's remains to his/her native country.
- Medical Evacuation: $50,000 to permit the patient to be transported to his/her home country and to be accompanied by a provider or escort, if directed by the physician in charge.
- Your plan provides coverage for immunizations, screenings and other preventive services.
You will be able to waive out of insurance through your Campus Solutions account.
Please contact your Student Health Center:
Prescott Student Health Center
- Phone 928-777-6653
- Email: prwellnesscenter@erau.edu
Prescott Insurance Specialist Stacy Hernandez
- Phone: 928-777-4763
- Email: hernas39@erau.edu
Daytona Beach Student Health Center
- Phone: 386-226-7917
- Email: dbhealth@erau.edu
- Insurance Waiver Email: dbwaiver@erau.edu
Daytona Beach Insurance Specialist Jean Creak
- Phone: 386-226-6036
- Email: creakn@erau.edu
Plan Waiver
- Please go to your Student Homepage.
- Click on the "Finances" or "Profile" tab.
- Click on "Complete Health Insurance Info."
- Remember to click "Waive" to waive out of the plan.
- Complete instructions are in your "To-Do List" in ERNIE and in your "Tasks" tab.
- Please scan a copy of your health insurance card (front and back) and send to prwellnesscenter@erau.edu to complete the waiver process.
For more information please download 2023-2024 Waiver Arizona Requirements
Please note: The waiver needs to be completed once a year during the Fall waiver period if you are a continuing student. If you are entering in either Spring or Summer A&B for the first time, you need to complete a waiver during that term and again in the Fall waiver period.
- If you have trouble logging into ERNIE with your PIN, you will need to reset it to continue. If the problem persists, please contact IT Support at 386-226-6990.
- If you are using TRICARE insurance, you will need to input your social security number (SSN) in place of an account number. Contact your TRICARE insurance representative if you need additional assistance with questions regarding your plan.
Waivers are only available during the posted dates. Download the Insurance Summary Brochure for further insurance information.
Failure to waive the insurance by the semester deadline will result in the non-refundable insurance fee remaining on your student account. Embry-Riddle is not responsible for insurance waivers that are submitted after the deadline.
For additional assistance, please email prwellnesscenter@erau.edu.