The Student Accessibility Services offices are located in the Prescott Campus' Hazy Library

The University is committed to creating an accessible academic community. The Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office grants accommodations for equal access to qualifying students with disabilities who request them. It is recommended that students seeking accommodations should contact the SAS office, by phone or email, as early as possible prior to the start of classes. Students may apply for SAS registration at any time throughout the semester, but allowing plenty of time will ensure that all accommodations are in place by the first day of classes. SAS staff will respond to calls and emails within twenty-four hours or on the following business day if the call or email was received outside of regular business hours. Students will then be guided through the SAS registration process.

Students who think they may have a disability, but who have never been evaluated, are encouraged to contact the SAS office for information on how to proceed. Diagnostic testing is not provided by the University, but a list of area specialists can be provided. Costs associated with evaluative testing are the responsibility of the student. Students needing temporary accommodations due to an injury or short-term illness should contact SAS as soon as possible to schedule a meeting.

Please note: Academic programs that are FAA certified are subject to FAA regulations, and students are expected to meet program standards with or without accommodations. If you have any questions about specific program standards, you should consult with your advisor or contact Career Services at or 928-777-6276.

How to Register

To start the registration process for either temporary or ongoing accommodations with Student Accessibility Services, a student must be accepted to Embry-Riddle.

To complete your registration for accommodations, you must be a currently admitted student. 

Before you receive your accommodations, you will be asked to provide documentation of your disability.

Documentation Guidelines

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, contact us at or 928-777-6751.

Contact Us

Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
For registration and general information