Students who are seeking support services or accommodations at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University on the basis of a diagnosed chronic health disability are required to submit documentation to verify eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

The following guidelines are provided in the interest of ensuring that evaluation reports are appropriate and sufficient to document disability. The Student Accessibility Services Director is available to consult with clinicians concerning any of these guidelines.

The evaluation must be provided by a qualified professional.

The physician (M.D. or D.O.) must have qualifications that are recognized by the State of Arizona as affirming his or her eligibility to render a medical diagnosis. The name, title, professional credentials as well as licensing and certification information should be clearly stated in the evaluation. Documentation from other qualified and licensed healthcare professionals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Documentation should be current.

Documentation must be current, reflecting evaluation provided within the past year.

Documentation should be comprehensive.

The evaluation should describe the type and severity of the individual’s symptoms at the time of first diagnosis and should state the approximate date of onset. It should also describe the subsequent course of the disabling condition and specify the current treatment of the condition, detailing any currently prescribed or recommended medication, therapies, care or assistive devices.

Documentation should reflect the functional impact of the disability.

The evaluation should contain a description of the type and severity of the current symptoms and note the impact of the disability in all relevant spheres of functioning. The evaluation should address how the disability may affect the individual’s ability to function in the academic setting (e.g., reading, comprehension, memory, writing, note-taking, test-taking, endurance and attention). The evaluation should indicate any activities that are typically a part of an academic program that would be specifically contraindicated by the individual’s disability or disabilities.

Specific recommendations for academic accommodations should be included.

The evaluation should include specific recommendations for accommodations that are realistic and that the University can reasonably provide. Accommodations are adjustments to the academic environment provided to ensure equal access to an enrolled student based on his or her substantial impairment of functional capacity. They are not remedial in nature, nor can they fundamentally alter the nature of, or reduce the academic standards of, a course or degree program. A detailed explanation should be provided as to why each accommodation is recommended and each recommendation should be correlated with the specific functional limitations related to the disability or disabilities.

A prior history of a chronic health disability without clear demonstration of current need or substantial impairment does not warrant eligibility for ADA services or accommodations. The determination of eligibility and reasonable accommodations for an Embry-Riddle student with a disability rests with the Student Accessibility Services Director working in collaboration with the student.

All disability documentation will remain confidential.

Documentation should be sent to:

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Student Accessibility Services - Prescott Campus
Fax: 928-777-6803

Rev. 6/30/2021/bas

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