The Prescott Campus Bookstore in managed by Follett Higher Education Group and is your best source for the course materials your professor requires for your class. We offer many cost saving options for textbooks including used, rental and digital options. You will also find the supplies you will need for class, including notebooks, engineering pads, pens and pencils, binders, flight supplies, chemistry goggles, snacks and more.
We also carry a full selection of apparel, fan gear and gift items featuring our Embry-Riddle logo and mascot, in addition to a full line of Nike and Under Armor athletic wear. We accept cash, credit and debit card in addition to the campus EagleCard as payment.
Print Services
The Bookstore has partnered with Allegra, a local off-campus print shop, which provides the campus with printing services. The Bookstore is your print services drop-off and pick-up point. Allegra can provide almost any kind of printing service you may require, from simple copying to full report binding options, posters, business cards and laminating. They offer same-day turnaround on most jobs: drop the job off before 10 a.m. and it will be back at the Bookstore by 2 p.m.
Stop by the Bookstore for a list of the print services available, or find all Print Shop order forms in our ERNIE Portal.