The Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle’s Prescott campus offers a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering covers everything from analog electronic systems to high-level programming and operating systems. Students advance through courses that give them advanced knowledge in computing, programming languages, digital and analog circuits, digital computer design, telecommunication systems, microprocessor-based systems, embedded control systems, hardware/software systems integration, real-time systems, and software engineering.
The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering has a systems-oriented curriculum of study that includes analog and digital circuits, communication systems, computers, control systems, electromagnetic fields, energy sources and systems and electronic devices. Students also specialize in avionics, preparing them for entry-level engineering positions in the aerospace industry. Emphasis on design and laboratory experience ensures that the Embry-Riddle Electrical Engineering graduate is in a preferred position to enter industry practice or graduate school after completing the program.
The Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering prepares students for positions working in a range of industry from aerospace companies to video game developers. Because of the focus on real-world, hands-on projects like the flight control of an autonomous aircraft or power control in a hybrid automobile, the students get to develop the knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking required to design and implement large software systems.
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Labs & Facilities
Learn about the state-of-the-art labs and facilities available to Embry-Riddle students in the Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Department.
Contact Us
Prescott, AZ 86301
Student Blogs
My Summer Internship as a Software Developer for Compassion International
This summer I got to intern with Compassion International as a Software Developer. I could not have imagined a better place to be an intern. ERAU provided me with both the personal and technical skills in order to succeed this summer.
Luke Baird’s REU at Wichita State University
This past summer, I attended an REU at Wichita State University in Kansas. REUs are summer research internship programs funded by the National Science Foundation in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. With the support of several professors at Embry-Riddle, I was readily accepted into the program.