Event Information

REUs and beyond during Summer 2024

When: Jan. 21 at Noon
Where: The Jim and Linda Lee Planetarium
Duration: Each talk 7 min + 1 min Q/A

Title: How does artificially induced particle precipitation from HAARP influence STEVE Airglow?
Speaker: Hailey Beier

Abstract: The objective of this experiment is to use an all-sky imager to take continuous images focusing on the changes in the airglow and an ionosonde to measure the ionospheric conditions specifically with electron density and the ionospheric layer-height correlating the results between the ionosphere and STEVE. Overall, determine the specific ionospheric and atmospheric conditions which STEVE events are likely to occur.

Title: Testing the Resiliency of XENONnT Background Reduction Techniques
Taylor Brown

Abstract: XENONnT is a direct detection experiment in search of one viable dark matter (DM) candidate: weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). With its dual-phase Time Projection Chamber (TPC), XENONnT investigates incident particle interactions with xenon atoms in a rare signal search for theorized WIMP collisions. Due to the high rate of background events and the elusivity of the target signals, thorough background reduction is critical for DM direct detection experiments. This study investigates the resiliency and sensitivities of current XENONnT data analysis techniques and discusses the subsequent implications.

Title: Detections of Superbubble Breakthroughs and Blowouts
Katie Casciotti

Abstract: Low red-shift (z ¡Ö 0.01) galaxies are able to be imaged with about 20-50 times better spatial resolution, compared to galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization (z ¡Ö 6-10), due to their close proximity. So, we are studying a sample of low red-shift (z ¡Ö 0.01) galaxies that contain similar structures to those found in high red-shift environments to learn more about the Epoch of Reionization. This epoch occurred back in the early universe, around the time of the first stars and galaxies, when the universe underwent a major phase change. Most of the hydrogen in the universe became ionized, but the constraints are not well defined in theory or observation of how ionizing radiation leaks out of galaxies. Within galaxies, the mechanical energy of many core collapse supernovae can create superbubble shells of interstellar gas. For early-type stars to supernovae in such a small time period, they are assumed to be massive O-type stars. Using this assumption, the shell is Rayleigh-Taylor unstable from the boundary between the cold dense interstellar medium and the hot interior bubbles. This instability breaks up the shell, creating holes in the hydrogen distribution and allowing for the ionizing radiation to exit the galaxy and ionize the intergalactic medium. Using images from Hubble Space Telescope, we are identifying superbubbles, measuring their size, and looking for signs of blowout. We used the DrizzlePac software to sky subtract, cosmic ray clean, and combine multiple distorted images onto one frame to increase spatial resolution and detect more subtle superbubble structures. From the drizzled images, we used photutils to identify individual star clusters. These clusters produce superbubbles around 0.1 - 1 kpc in radius, from approximately 1051 - 1057 erg of mechanical energy. These results are important to the understanding of how Lyman continuum radiation leaks out of galaxies. With comparable energy production, high red-shift galaxies back in the Epoch of Reionization could also produce superbubbles large enough for pathways to form, allowing for the ionization of the intergalactic medium.

Title: Improving the Sensitivity of LIGO Searches to Binary Black Hole Signals with Smarter Detection Algorithms
Jaxson Mitchell

Abstract: Einstein¡¯s theory of general relativity predicts the existence of gravitational waves which are ripples in space and time. Gravitational waves form from events such as collisions of compact objects such as black holes and neutron stars. The ripples from these astrophysical mergers are detected within LIGO. In the search for these signals, matched filtering is employed which compares the signal to theoretical predictions from general relativity. This technique relies on using a bank of many different precomputed signals to detect gravitational waves which becomes computationally burdensome. Instead, we study the use of a different algorithm, singular value decomposition (SVD), to replace the large bank by creating an approximate waveform basis. This speeds up computation by using a basis of waveforms instead of a densely packed template bank. Using this new basis also enables the analysis of common glitches within the LIGO detector by creating a basis of vectors that describe the primary behavior of the glitch. Specifically, we focus on the blip glitch in stellar mass binary black hole (BBH) systems and analyze noise through SVD.

Title: Photometric techniques for analyzing the light behavior of satellites
Speaker: Shannon Moore

Abstract: My summer research, conducted in collaboration with the Department of Defense, explores photometric techniques for analyzing the light behavior of satellites over time and distance. The project employs differential and absolute methods to extract key properties such as age, temperature, metallicity, and composition through light curves and color band systems. Here, I developed a custom data analysis pipeline to enhance precision in data acquisition and interpretation, with careful consideration of factors like airmass, position, and observational conditions. This work contributes to advancing our understanding of satellite light behavior and its broader applications.

Title: Quantum Channel Masking
Hailey Murray

Abstract: Quantum Information Masking is a quantum cryptographic protocol with applications in quantum secret sharing that has been investigated within the last several years. In this REU project, we introduce a generalization of this protocol, called Quantum Channel Masking, where we investigate what families of quantum channels can and cannot be masked. We define and provide examples of quantum information and channel masking and outline several results about families of channels that can and cannot be masked.

Title: Rapid search for higher modes in GW from Compact-Binary-Coalescence.
Kya Schluterman

Abstract: We present a novel technique for the detection of higher modes within the gravitational wave signal, requiring only parameters derived from the coherent WaveBurst (cWB) algorithm. This method relies only on leading order approximations of the frequency evolution of the signal, as well as approximations for the evolution of the higher modes. It is applied to two distinct distributions forming a statistical background and foreground for the test of the null hypothesis: that a typical signal does not contain higher mode presence. Each of these distributions is passed through noise curves for LIGO observing runs 3,4, and 5, showing how the method will improve as the sensitivity of LIGO reaches closer to its design specifications. Finally, we present the future of the method to come, outlining its current development as a part of the cWB search pipeline as well as future routes of research regarding its use.