Basic Course: Fundamentals of Leadership and Management
The term ROTC Basic Course refers to first and second year courses (MSL 101, 101L, 102, 102L, 201, 201L, 202, and 202L) that are designed for beginning students who want to qualify for entry into the Advanced Course.
The focus of the entire Basic Course is to introduce the student to key terms needed to address the leadership challenges and problem-solving methods used in the Advanced Course. Additionally, in these first two years, communicative skills are taught, practiced, and mastered. This ensures that the student entering the Advanced Course is prepared to take charge of groups and organize the activities of the group in problem-solving exercises or labs.
A number of popular and challenging extracurricular activities are associated with these courses. These activities include a Field Leadership Reaction Course, a physically challenging Confidence Course, rappelling, marksmanship, and competitive orienteering. A student can also qualify for entry into the Advanced Course by completing the Leader's Training Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. This course is held during the summer before the junior year for students who have not taken the eight Basic Course classes.
Advanced Course: Advanced Leadership and Management
The Advanced Course consists of eight courses: MSL 301, 301L, 302, 302L, 401, 401L, 402, and 402L. It is open to students who have completed the Basic Course or earned placement credit for it. Such placement credit can be achieved through prior military training or completing the Army ROTC Basic Course.
The Advanced Course completes the training required to produce visionary, adaptive leaders for the nation. Successful completion also qualifies a student for a commission as an officer in the Army. Students must complete all courses in sequence and a four-week Leadership Development and Assessment "Warrior Forge" Course during the summer unless otherwise approved by the Professor of Military Science. Students who contract and compete for a commission in the Army receive a monthly stipend during the school year.