An Army officer is a leader and prestigious professional in the most respected institution in America. Founded in 1916, more than 500,000 lieutenants in America's Army came from Army ROTC. For men and women seeking to serve their country, Army ROTC provides the broadest avenue, producing 60 percent of the Army's officers.
Embry-Riddle's Army ROTC was recognized as the best large Army ROTC Program in the Southwest. Our highest ranking Army cadets are also selected to participate in Air Assault Camp, Jungle Camp and all cadets attend basic and advanced camps during the summers.
Army ROTC is an elective course that teaches leadership and prepares students for a commission in the U.S. Army. You can try out Army ROTC for up to two years with no obligation. Work toward a degree while gaining hands-on experience and skills that give you a leading edge in military and civilian careers. Your studies include leadership development, military skills, and field training. Army ROTC courses teach you how to succeed in a competitive world both in college and beyond. In addition, Army ROTC provides many opportunities to expand your training through a variety of summer programs.
Freshman cadets attend one hour of classroom instruction, sophomores attend two hours, and junior and senior cadets attend three hours. All students have a three-hour Leadership Lab per week. Additionally, physical fitness training is conducted three times per week. Cadets also participate in one or two field training exercises (FTX) per semester. Many other challenging Army training opportunities are extended to cadets.
The Army ROTC curriculum is exciting, challenging, and flexible enough to meet requirements while helping to accomplish academic and personal goals. Classes and training include map reading, land navigation, rappelling, water survival, marksmanship, patrolling, tactics, customs and courtesies, drill and ceremony, military history, ethics, writing skills, professional reading, and military law and procedures. All uniforms, military text books, and equipment are issued to cadets at no charge.
Four-year scholarships are available for incoming freshmen who qualify. Read more about scholarship opportunities, eligibility requirements, and other information.
As part of Army ROTC, you'll be in the company of a diverse group of individuals with a broad range of interests and skills. The education and friends you obtain in Army ROTC last a lifetime.
Could you be a future Army leader? Read more about how we select our cadets.
For answers to frequently asked questions about Army ROTC, visit GoArmy.com and U.S. Army Cadet Command.
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