Your college experience is about to begin! Orientation is your first opportunity to become a part of the campus community, meet fellow students, create friendships and make lifelong connections. Expect an amazing experience during the social and educational activities we have planned for you.
Student Orientation Leaders
A team of current student leaders is here to guide you through orientation. Orientation leaders are caring and trained mentors who want to share their experience with you. New students will be placed together in groups led by an orientation leader. In their session, students can meet new people, get questions answered and have fun! Veterans and Transfer Students will have their own groups with specific information tailored to their needs.
Parent Information
Parents and families are invited to attend a special orientation session just for them on move-in day. This program is designed to address the specific concerns that parents often have and to help prepare them for the unique challenges of parenting college students. Parents and families are also encouraged to sign up for the Embry-Riddle Parent and Family Experience to get regular news updates from the university.