Fall 2024

Wednesday, Aug. 21 — All Activies Today Are Optional

Time Event Location
8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Orientation Leader Help Booth

Have any questions about Orientation or where to find campus resources? Stop by and ask our Orientation Leaders, who are here to help!

Student Union Quad, Outside Bldg. 16
8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Move-In Day Checklist Completion

See dropdown below for checklist items.

1-4 p.m.

Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) Open House

Come get pie at CDI! Learn about the people, programs and services offered while enjoying some sweet treats.

Room 107, Student Union, Bldg. 16
4-6 p.m.

New Student Social With Campus Leadership (Students Only)

Meet your fellow new students and campus leadership, and enjoy a cold treat!

Mingus Mountain Amphitheater, Hall 4
4-6 p.m.

Parent/Family Orientation

Let your student get settled and join us for an educational presentation. This is a duplicate of the presentation given during Zero Week.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
5-6 p.m.

Parent/Family Resource Fair

A variety of campus departments will be available to answer any questions you may have about your student's time at ERAU.

Eagle Gym, Bldg. 80
5-8 p.m.

Shuttle Service to Local Shopping Centers

Free shuttle service to Fry's Food Store and Walmart. Sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Departs from Haas Commons Bus Stop
8-10 p.m.

Social Activities (Students Only)

  • Board Games - WOW Seating Area, Student Union, Bldg. 16
  • Crafts - Lower Hangar, Student Union, Bldg. 16
  • Volleyball - Sand Volleyball Courts
  • Night Swim - Swimming Pool
Various locations

Thursday-Sunday schedules vary as denoted below:

  • Eagle Track: Veterans and transfer students of any major
  • Blue Track: College of Engineering and College of Arts & Sciences
  • Gold Track: College of Aviation and College of Business, Security & Intelligence

Get Your EagleCard

  • This is your student photo ID and your access to everything you need on campus, including meals and student events. Made while you wait.
  • EagleCard Office, Bldg. 13: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Pick Up Your Mailbox Key

  • For students living on campus.
  • Mailroom, Bldg. 11: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Flight Student Check-In

  • For all students taking flight training. Please bring your required documentation.
  • Flightline Bldg. F6, Room 103

Finalize Payment on Student Account Balances

  • The payment due date for the Fall 2024 semester is August 16, 2024. Students who are not paid may have some or all of their courses canceled. It is not necessary to go to Student Financial Services (Cashier’s Office) if your tuition balance has been paid in full, you have enrolled in a payment plan, or you have sufficient financial aid in place to cover your balance.
  • Cashier’s Office, Bldg. 13: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Financial Aid Questions

  • Financial Aid Office, Visitors Center, Bldg. 41: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Advising and Registration Questions

  • Academic Complex 1 (AC-1), Bldg. 74: 1-4 p.m.
    • College of Arts and Sciences: Room 113
    • College of Aviation: Room 110
    • College of Business, Security and Intelligence: Room 113
    • College of Engineering: Room 123

Transfer Evaluation Questions

  • Registrar’s Office, Bldg. 12: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Student Accessibility Services Questions

  • Room 109, Hazy Library, Bldg. 43: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Buy Your Books

  • Bring your class schedule and purchase or rent your books.
  • Bookstore, Bldg. 77: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Register Your Vehicle

  • Register your vehicle online by going to prescott.erau.edu/about/security and clicking on the link to "Online Parking Registration" in the right-hand column. You will be provided with a temporary permit to print and display on your dashboard until your permanent parking permit stick arrives via mail within 10 days.

Add Campus Safety’s Number to your Cell Phone Contacts

  • In the event of an emergency, contact Campus Safety at 928-777-3333.

Download the Eagle Life App

  • Eagle Life is the hub for student events and engagement on campus. Search for "Eagle Life at Embry‑Riddle Prescott" in your app store.

Download the Eagle Guardian App

  • Eagle Guardian gives users the opportunity to chat with Campus Safety anonymously about non-emergency situations, the ability to receive alerts based on your location, and a Virtual Safety Timer that allows users to set a timer that will alert friends and family or Campus Safety when it expires. Search for "RAVE Guardian" in your app store.

Download the Telus Health App

  • ERAU has partnered with Telus Health to provide support to all ERAU students via 24/7 texting and phone services. Students can access helpful resources and virtual counseling services. Search for "Student Support" in your app store.

Thursday, Aug. 22 — Wear Your Nametag Today!

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m. Student Welcome & Kickoff Activity Center, Bldg. 80
10-11 a.m.

Get to Know Your Orientation Small Group

Your small group will be comprised of other veterans or transfer students.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Orientation Small Group 1: Get to Know Campus

Your small group location (check your ERAU email)
12:30-2 p.m.

Lunch With Your Orientation Group (optional)

Earhart's Dining Hall
2-3 p.m.

Campus Scavenger Hunt (optional)

Various locations
3-3:30 p.m.  Small Group Check-In (optional) Your small group location
3-5 p.m.

Playfair (optional)

The ultimate icebreaker! Get up and moving as you meet your fellow new students!

Intramural Field
5-6 p.m.

Flight Brief for Non-AS Majors

Mandatory for students flying at ERAU who are not Aeronautical Science majors.

Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16

6-8 p.m.

New Student Block Party (optional)

Cast your vote for Riddle's favorite pizza while listening to music and enjoying inflatables!

Lot N, Outside Bldg. 73

Friday, Aug. 23

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m.


Your academic journey starts here. Join faculty and campus leadership to partake in this campus tradition. Business casual attire is requested.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

Attend One:

10:30-11:45 a.m. or

College of Arts and Sciences Meeting

DLC Auditorium, Bldg. 20

Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering Meeting  AC-1, Bldg. 74, Room 107
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Meeting Activity Center, Bldg. 80
 12:15-1:45 p.m. College of Aviation Meeting Activity Center, Bldg. 80
College of Business, Security and Intelligence Meeting DLC Auditorium, Bldg. 20
11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Lunch (optional)

Earhart's Dining Hall
2-2:45 p.m. Small Group 2: Get to Know Your Academic Program Your small group location
3-5 p.m.

Introduction to Campus Life (optional)

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
1:45-3 p.m.

Orientation Small Group

Mandatory for first-time freshmen.

Your small group location
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Dinner With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
8-10 p.m.

BCA Event: Campus Feud (optional)

Join the Board of Campus Activities to see your peers face off in a funny and lighthearted game of "Campus Feud."

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

Saturday, Aug. 24

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m.

Tianna Faye Soto: Stress, Success & Duck Syndrome

Learn tangible tools to combat stress, anxiety and burnout while reframing your idea of success. Set yourself up to navigate college with clarity and confidence.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
10 a.m.-Noon

Small Group 3: Healthy Relationships

Your small group location

Noon-1 p.m. Lunch With Your Small Group (optional) Earhart's Dining Hall
2-4 p.m.

Interfaith Chapel Fair and Counseling Open House (optional)

Find your faith community and get to know your counseling center staff.

Haas Chapel, Bldg. 45

Game Day (optional)

Hang out, make some friends and meet our Fraternity and Sorority community.

Student Union Quad and Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16

Non-Partisan Voter Registration (optional)

Register to vote in Arizona. Co-sponsored by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the League of Women Voters.

Student Union Courtyard, Bldg. 16
2:30-3:30 p.m.

Across the Visible Universe Planetarium Shows (optional)

This planetarium show is all about the concept of size and scale when it comes to the universe.

Planetarium, STEM Building 76
3-5 p.m.

Intercultural Plunge (optional)

Meet students from around the world, learn about different cultures and develop your intercultural communication skills. Mandatory for International Students.

Davis Learning Center (DLC) Auditorium, Bldg. 20
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Dinner With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
8-10 p.m.

SGA Event: Boom Boom Bingo (optional)

Join your Student Government Association to enjoy a night of dancing, bingo and prizes!

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

Sunday, Aug. 25

Time Event Location
10-10:30 a.m.

Meet With Your RA for Olympiad Planning

See your RA for the meeting location. Off-campus students will receive an email with the meeting location.


10:30 a.m.-Noon

Orientation Olympiad

Celebrate the finale of Orientation weekend with a fun and slightly competitive tradition.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
Noon-1 p.m.

Lunch With Your Olympiad Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
1-5 p.m.

Shuttle Service to Local Shopping Centers (optional)

Free shuttle service to Fry's Food Store and Walmart. Sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Departs from Haas Commons Bus Stop
4-6 p.m.

Residence Hall Floor Meeting (on-campus students only)

Meet your neighbors and residence hall staff to start building your hall communities. Then go to dinner at the dining hall.

See your RA for specific meeting time and location.
7-9 p.m.

Ice Cream Social and Karaoke

Stop by for sweet treats, karaoke and lots of fun! Sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Student Union and Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16

Thursday, Aug. 22 — Wear Your Nametag Today!

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m. Welcome & Kickoff Activity Center, Bldg. 80
10-11 a.m.

Get to Know Your Orientation Small Group

Your small group will be comprised of other veterans or transfer students.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Lunch With Your Orientation Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
12:30-2 p.m.

Orientation Small Group 1: Get to Know Campus

Your small group location (check your ERAU email)
2-3 p.m.

Campus Scavenger Hunt

Various locations
3-3:30 p.m.  Small Group Check-In Your small group location
3-5 p.m.


The ultimate icebreaker! Get up and moving as you meet your fellow new students!

Intramural Field
5-6 p.m.

Flight Brief for Non-AS Majors

Mandatory for students flying at ERAU who are not Aeronautical Science majors.

Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16

6-8 p.m.

New Student Block Party (optional)

Cast your vote for Riddle's favorite pizza while listening to music and enjoying inflatables!

Lot N, Outside Bldg. 73

Friday, Aug. 23

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m.


Your academic journey starts here. Join faculty and campus leadership to partake in this campus tradition. Business casual attire is requested.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

10:15-11:45 a.m.

College of Arts and Sciences Meeting

DLC Auditorium, Bldg. 20

Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering Meeting  AC-1, Bldg. 74, Room 107
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Meeting Activity Center, Bldg. 80
Noon-1 p.m.

Lunch With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
1-1:45 p.m. Small Group 2: Get to Know Your Academic Program Your small group location
3-5 p.m.

Introduction to Campus Life

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
5-6 p.m.

UNIV 101/CAM Meeting

Meet your CAMS and classmates for UNIV 101.

Various classrooms; check your ERAU email
6-7 p.m.

Dinner With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
7-9 p.m.

BCA Event: Campus Feud (optional)

Join the Board of Campus Activities to see your peers face off in a funny and lighthearted game of "Campus Feud."

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

Saturday, Aug. 24

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m.

Tianna Faye Soto: Stress, Success & Duck Syndrome

Learn tangible tools to combat stress, anxiety and burnout while reframing your idea of success. Set yourself up to navigate college with clarity and confidence.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
11 a.m.-Noon

Lunch With Your Small Group (optional)

Earhart's Dining Hall

Noon-2 p.m. Small Group 3: Healthy Relationships Your small group location
2-4 p.m.

Interfaith Chapel Fair and Counseling Open House (optional)

Find your faith community and get to know your counseling center staff.

Haas Chapel, Bldg. 45

Game Day (optional)

Hang out, make some friends and meet our Fraternity and Sorority community.

Student Union Quad and Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16

Non-Partisan Voter Registration (optional)

Register to vote in Arizona. Co-sponsored by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the League of Women Voters.

Student Union Courtyard, Bldg. 16
2:30-3:30 p.m. or
3:30-4:30 p.m.

Across the Visible Universe Planetarium Shows (optional)

This planetarium show is all about the concept of size and scale when it comes to the universe.

Planetarium, STEM Building 76
3-5 p.m.

Intercultural Plunge (optional)

Meet students from around the world, learn about different cultures and develop your intercultural communication skills. Mandatory for International Students.

Davis Learning Center (DLC) Auditorium, Bldg. 20
5-6 p.m.

Dinner With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
8-10 p.m.

SGA Event: Boom Boom Bingo (optional)

Join your Student Government Association to enjoy a night of dancing, bingo and prizes!

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

Thursday, Aug. 22 — Wear Your Nametag Today!

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m. Welcome & Kickoff Activity Center, Bldg. 80
10-11 a.m.

Get to Know Your Orientation Small Group

Your small group will be comprised of other veterans or transfer students.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Orientation Small Group 1: Get to Know Campus

Your small group location (check your ERAU email)
12:30-2 p.m.

Lunch With Your Orientation Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
2-3 p.m.

Campus Scavenger Hunt

Various locations
3-3:30 p.m.  Small Group Check-In Your small group location
3-5 p.m.


The ultimate icebreaker! Get up and moving as you meet your fellow new students!

Intramural Field
5-6 p.m.

Flight Brief for Non-AS Majors

Mandatory for students flying at ERAU who are not Aeronautical Science majors.

Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16

6-8 p.m.

New Student Block Party

Cast your vote for Riddle's favorite pizza while listening to music and enjoying inflatables!

Lot N, Outside Bldg. 73

Friday, Aug. 23

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m.


Your academic journey starts here. Join faculty and campus leadership to partake in this campus tradition. Business casual attire is requested.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

10:15-11 a.m. Small Group 2: Get to Know Your Academic Program Your small group location
11 a.m.-Noon

Lunch With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
12:15-1:45 p.m. College of Aviation Meeting Activity Center, Bldg. 80
College of Business, Security and Intelligence Meeting DLC Auditorium, Bldg. 20
3-5 p.m.

Introduction to Campus Life

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
5-6 p.m.

Dinner With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
6-7 p.m.

UNIV 101/CAM Meeting

Meet your CAMS and classmates for UNIV 101.

Various classrooms; check your ERAU email
8-10 p.m.

BCA Event: Campus Feud (optional)

Join the Board of Campus Activities to see your peers face off in a funny and lighthearted game of "Campus Feud."

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

Saturday, Aug. 24

Time Event Location
9-10 a.m.

Tianna Faye Soto: Stress, Success & Duck Syndrome

Learn tangible tools to combat stress, anxiety and burnout while reframing your idea of success. Set yourself up to navigate college with clarity and confidence.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
10 a.m.-Noon

Small Group 3: Healthy Relationships

Your small group location

Noon-1 p.m. Lunch With Your Small Group (optional) Earhart's Dining Hall
2-4 p.m.

Interfaith Chapel Fair and Counseling Open House (optional)

Find your faith community and get to know your counseling center staff.

Haas Chapel, Bldg. 45

Game Day (optional)

Hang out, make some friends and meet our Fraternity and Sorority community.

Student Union Quad and Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16

Non-Partisan Voter Registration (optional)

Register to vote in Arizona. Co-sponsored by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the League of Women Voters.

Student Union Courtyard, Bldg. 16
2:30-3:30 p.m. or
3:30-4:30 p.m.

Across the Visible Universe Planetarium Shows (optional)

This planetarium show is all about the concept of size and scale when it comes to the universe.

Planetarium, STEM Building 76
3-5 p.m.

Intercultural Plunge (optional)

Meet students from around the world, learn about different cultures and develop your intercultural communication skills. Mandatory for International Students.

Davis Learning Center (DLC) Auditorium, Bldg. 20
6-7 p.m.

Dinner With Your Small Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
8-10 p.m.

SGA Event: Boom Boom Bingo (optional)

Join your Student Government Association to enjoy a night of dancing, bingo and prizes!

Activity Center, Bldg. 80

Sunday, Aug. 25

Time Event Location
10-10:30 a.m.

Meet With Your RA for Olympiad Planning

See your RA for the meeting location. Off-campus students will receive an email with the meeting location.


10:30 a.m.-Noon

Orientation Olympiad

Celebrate the finale of Orientation weekend with a fun and slightly competitive tradition.

Activity Center, Bldg. 80
Noon-1 p.m.

Lunch With Your Olympiad Group

Earhart's Dining Hall
1-5 p.m.

Shuttle Service to Local Shopping Centers (optional)

Free shuttle service to Fry's Food Store and Walmart. Sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Departs from Haas Commons Bus Stop
4-6 p.m.

Residence Hall Floor Meeting (on-campus students only)

Meet your neighbors and residence hall staff to start building your hall communities. Then go to dinner at the dining hall.

See your RA for specific meeting time and location.
7-9 p.m.

Ice Cream Social and Karaoke

Stop by for sweet treats, karaoke and lots of fun! Sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Student Union and Lower Hangar, Bldg. 16