The Fred and Fay Haas Memorial Interfaith Chapel’s mission is to provide a place for students, faculty, staff, and others to express and nurture their faith, and to promote friendship and community goodwill. The Chapel is also intended to serve as a touchstone to impart positive, life-affirming values to students as they prepare for life and career challenges. It is located next to the Thumb Butte Complex Apartments Building 2, across from Haas Commons.
Learn more about local spiritual centers
Conferences, Retreats, and Special Events
Regular Hours: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday-Friday
Summer Hours: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Thursday
Haas Chapel is available for usage for religious and/or spiritual activities outside of the above hours by reservation. Other events will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for reservations may be made as follows: ERAU students through the Office of Student Engagement; faculty and staff through SchedulER on the ERNIE website; and, non-ERAU community members through the Business Office at (928) 777-3764. All reservations are subject to availability and approval by the Chapel Coordinator.
The use of any room in the Chapel for personal income or profit will not be permitted.
All reservations for weddings must be made through the Business Office at (928) 777-3764. There is a $500 cleaning/damage deposit that will be refunded after the event if the Chapel is returned to its previous state. If media services are required for the ceremony, there is an additional cost of $25/hour, as a technician must be on-site, as well as $20/hour for the use of the media equipment.
Non-ERAU community members may rent the Chapel for $100/hour, 3-hour minimum, or $600/day.
Memorial Services
Memorial services for ERAU family will be given priority, and there will be no charge to the family for the use of the facility.
Learn more about reserving facilities for conferences or retreats