Welcome to Embry-Riddle's Prescott Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE). CTLE is dedicated to providing faculty with the information, resources, training, and support essential for success in today's climate of higher education.
CTLE Programs for ERAU Faculty
Innovative Teaching Grant (ITG)
The ITG program is a semester-long initiative that supports a small number of faculty per college who design and run a project focused on one or more evidence-based teaching practices. The program is competitive, but is run every semester so faculty are encouraged to apply each year (applications are due in March/April and October/November of each year). The grant comes with a stipend and a separate travel fund to attend a conference or workshop that is related to teaching & learning. ITG graduates present on-campus at the annual CTLE Teaching & Learning Showcase.
Students-as-Partners (SAP)
The SAP program is a semester-long project where awarded faculty work closely with a student of their choosing who regularly observes a given class and provides weekly feedback to the faculty. This program serves to help faculty improve the course based on the student experience and allows students to grow in leadership skills. CTLE pays the student partner up to 10 hours/week for their work and the faculty partner receives a small stipend for their participation. Faculty and student partners strongly recommend this program as a great way to improve teaching and make improvements to the student experience.
Mid-Semester Feedback (MSF)
The CTLE MSF program gives faculty an opportunity to get student feedback at the mid-point of the semester and provides superb data for making improvements to a given course. Participating faculty get the data in a spreadsheet and can discuss the feedback with CTLE personnel to interpret what course changes might be most feasible and/or highest priority.
Faculty Fellows (FF)
The Faculty Fellows program is a new program that seeks to support new faculty in our colleges. The current pilot program has two fellows, one in the College of Business, Security, and Intelligence (CBSI) and one in the College of Engineering (COE). CTLE expects to increase this to one Fellow per college in the coming semesters. Regardless of college, new faculty are always welcome to connect with CTLE to request support for their teaching and learning interests.
Consultations and Observations
Faculty may book a one-on-one consultation with CTLE staff to discuss a teaching question or classroom technique. They may also request a classroom observation where a CTLE staff member or a Faculty Fellow will observe the faculty member and provide them with formative feedback on things that are going well and things that might need tweaking.
Annual Teaching & Learning Showcase
Every April, CTLE hosts a campus-wide event to showcase innovative teaching practices being used by our teachers and students. The event includes a catered lunch and an opportunity to engage in dialogue with some of our most creative and thought-provoking individuals on their teaching and learning practices. Join us each April for this exciting event!
The CTLE is Here for You
No matter what stage of your teaching career you find yourself, CTLE programming is designed to "meet faculty where they are at." That is, CTLE is here to assist first-time instructors, as well as early-career, mid-career, and late-career colleagues since research shows faculty needs change throughout each of the career stages. Working together, learning from each other, and implementing the most effective teaching strategies known to increase and improve the depths of student learning will elevate Embry-Riddle's Prescott Campus to admirable heights.
We look forward to our imminent ascent towards campus-wide teaching and learning
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