Harnessing Data for Learning

Prescott, Arizona, USA, August 22-24

(Dedicated to Lawrence “Larry” Harper)

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Join us for an immersive exploration into cutting-edge topics at the intersection of AI and diverse fields! Our Special Topics in AI Workshop will delve into four distinct themes, promising to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation:

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AI and Cybersecurity: Uncover the latest strategies and advancements in leveraging AI to safeguard digital infrastructures against evolving cyber threats.

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Distinguished quality papers presented at the workshop will be selected for a workshop on assorted topics at AIxSET 2024 in September in Laguna Hills California, and/or AIxDKE in December 2024 in Tokyo Japan. Papers selected need to be prepared following                                       the IEEE format. See more https://www.aixset.org and

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Combinatorics and AI: Explore the fascinating synergy between combinatorial optimization and AI algorithms, unlocking new possibilities in problem-solving across various domains.

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Posters will be exhibited in the main reception area.

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Aerospace AI: Embark on a journey into the skies as we delve into how AI is revolutionizing aerospace technologies, from autonomous flight systems to space exploration.

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This workshop is designed for AI enthusiasts, researchers, practitioners, and anyone curious about the forefront of AI applications. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights, network with experts, and be part of shaping the future of AI!

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Methodology and Empirics: Dive deep into the methodologies and empirical studies shaping the AI landscape, understanding how data-driven approaches are reshaping decision-making processes.

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Stay tuned for more details and registration information. Save the date and mark your calendars for an enlightening exploration into Special Topics in AI!

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Healthcare AI: Applications of AI to the healthcare, healthcare technology, personalized medicine, AI integration/AI-assisted medicine, human-AI integration.

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Cost of workshop (to cover cost of catering, dinner, and miscellanea.)

  • $150 (faculty, professional)
  • $75 (student)
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Date: Reception on the evening of August 22 with program commencing on the morning of August 23 through mid-day of August 24. Dinner August 23.

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Cost associated with the IEEE AIxSET & AIxDKE 2024 workshop

  • Authors need to separately register based on AIxSET.org or AIxDKE.org 2024 registration requirements.
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Location: The Campus of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Arizona, USA. Address: 3700 Willow Creek Rd, Prescott, AZ 86301

For workshop and IEEE conference inquiries barrj4@erau.edu

#AI #Machine Learning #Optimization #Cybersecurity #Combinatorics #Aerospace #Methodology #Empirics #Environmental #Applications #Workshop #Innovation                                       #Tutorials #Market Opportunities

Schedule and speakers subject to change

6 p.m.: Reception (Wine & Cheese) at (Venue TBA)

8:45 p.m.: Opening Remarks

9 a.m.: Dr. George Luger, University of New Mexico, Keynote & Tutorial

10 a.m.:  Dr. Faisal Abu-Khzam, Lebanese-American University, Beirut, Lebanon. Independent dominating and applications to variable selection

10:20 a.m.: Open

10:40 a.m.: Dr. Jeff Guyon, NOAA, Charlotte, SC

11 a.m.: Open

11: 20 a.m.: Open

11:40 a.m.: Mr. Paul Duncanson, Seal Beach, CA, Graphical representation of ingestion process and corpus, a demo

Noon: Lunch (will be catered)

1:30 p.m.: Dr. Paulo Shakarian, Arizona State University, Neuro-symbolic AI

2:30 p.m.: Dr. Krishna Sampigethaya, Embry-Riddle, Prescott, Aviation Cybersecurity

2:50 p.m.: Dr. Jon Haass, Embry-Riddle, Prescott, Pilot Semantics

3:10 p.m.: Open

3:40 p.m.: Open

4 p.m.: Dr. Peter E. Shaw, LLM in Healthcare in Practice

9 a.m.: Dr. Faisal Abu-Khzam. Lebanese-American University, Beirut, Lebanon, Combinatorial techniques & technology in AI

10 a.m.: Dr. Kimani Kimbrough, NOAA, Charleston, NC

10:20 a.m.: Dr. Laura Ismert, Embry-Riddle, Prescott, AZ

10:40 a.m.: Dr. Joseph R. Barr, Embry-Riddle, Prescott, LLM Behind the Scenes

11 a.m.: Dr. Joseph R. Barr, Embry-Riddle, Prescott, Machine Learning with Python

Mid Day: Concluding remarks (Jon/Joe)

  • Adjourn workshop.
  • Posters will be exhibited at the main reception hall.
Lawrence Harper

Dedicated to the memory of Lawrence H. Harper

Lawrence H. "Larry" Harper, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics was a giant in the area of combinatorics and its relationship with computing.

He wrote a number of important articles including “On the Bandwidth of a Hamming Graph” and the monograph “Global Methods for Combinatorial Isoperimetric Problems” with Cambridge University Press. Professor Harper was remembered by his colleagues as a "folk hero in combinatorics."

He spoke at last year’s AI workshop on the different tools for managing graph problems including the 43 <= Ramsey Number R(5,5) <= 48, which he was working up to his time of passing in October 2023.