The forensic science laboratory offers space to learn forensic science techniques and investigations as it applies to criminal and civil cases, and security and intelligence studies.

In the lab students conduct experiments and examinations using scientific disciplines in anthropology, entomology, ballistics, and criminalistics, while also learning to perform firearms examinations, bloodstain pattern analysis and bullet trajectory experiments, and trace evidence examinations.

Students learn to take and develop fingerprints, conduct crime scene searches, and collect physical evidence — techniques put to the test once per semester when all students participate in processing a crime scene involving a number of scenarios in order to challenge the students to conceptualize and develop their hypothesis of what may have taken place.  

During this exercise, they collect and process physical evidence and perform the appropriate forensic laboratory tests on the recovered items. Students learn how to write comprehensive reports accepted by the courts, and practice for court testimony.

These labs feature various forensic test kits and materials, including up-to-date compound microscopes with camera attachments, in addition to stereoscopic microscopes, a comparison microscope, Spectrophotometer, Fingerprinting stations, and a fuming chamber.


  • Microscopes
  • Lights and cameras
  • Fuming chamber
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Fingerprinting stations

Lab Information

Location: Bldg. 17, Room 135 

Contact Us: To speak to someone about this lab or any of our facilities, call us at 928-777-6600 or 800-888-3728, or email

Lab Director: Karen Meunier

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